Emmy Carter | Teen Ink

Emmy Carter

April 29, 2014
By JayBray BRONZE, Petersburg, Alaska
JayBray BRONZE, Petersburg, Alaska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Fall seven times and stand up eight. –Japanese Proverb

She was heading back home, like any other fall day, wearing her favorite chocolate brown dress and tan shoes. Her mom had tossed her hair in a braid, which was bouncing as she skipped. Her blonde hair was shining in the light, making her emerald eyes pop out. Her pale complexion had the slightest tan, making her even different than the other children in the town.
She was quite small for her age and wasn’t aloud to play the games the other kids did. She was excluded because of her size, making her self confidence go down by a lot.

“ Hello las! How are ye?” Scott asks the little angel.

“ I’m great. How is your day?” she asks the junior.

“ I could use a nap” the ginger answered, making the girl giggle.

“ see ye later!” he calls out while walking away.

“ good bye Scotty!” she hails while turning around. She continued to skip home, finally noticing how late it is. The moon was high in the sky, shining brightly as usual. Her gaze shifted to the forest line and let the ides of her mum reading her a bedtime story or her father telling her about one of his adventures. She had hoped the stew and bread would be fresh, so she could savor the rich flavors.

The girl had spent the day and half of the evening at the bakery, helping the baker with his work. She had gotten very little flour on her dress but worried about her mum’s reaction. Her mother hated it when she got flour on her dress.

Once her home was in sight she started walking, wondering if her brothers were going to scare her. But once the smell of blood filled her nostrils, all those thoughts dispersed. Her family was the only thing on her little mind, letting her fear take over.

She ran to her backyard and found a horrifying sight. Lying there, on the cold, hard ground was her family, soaked in the dark substance. She fell to her knees and let a single tear slip. Her breathing was ragged and rage filled her. She gripped her Mother’s shoulders, shaking at the sight, and shook her. But her eyes wouldn’t open. They stayed closed.

This alone scared her immensely.

She rushed over to her father and searched his dark brown eyes. What she found made her heart race with dread. All she could find was death.
She checked his pulse.
Nothing. Not even a single beat.
She slowly and gently closed his eyes. With great sadness she stood up, trying to stay strong and not let the tears flow. But when she see’s her brothers, Daniel and Draven, she starts to cry. Bursting into tears, she lets her emotions take control.

She lets out a blood curdling scream that sent the crows flying and the animals retreating. You could just hear the pain and anger in the cry for help.
She screams until her throat is stripped raw. She lets out a weak yelp, letting the situation get the best of her.
As she continued to cry, she noticed the strange symbols engraved in their skin and how their once tan skin turned snow white. But what she hadn’t noticed was the dark figure watching her from the forest line.
The mysterious individual stalked closer and closer, his shadow growing bigger and bigger. He raised his massive hands and held something large and bizarre. By the time she realized what was happening it was far too late.
Something heavy hits the back of her head, causing her to fall over. Black dots started to invade her line of vision. It started to engulf her.
The last thing she remembers is the mans features. His dark brown hair, pale blue eyes and a scar stretching from one side of his face to the other.

Now, at the age of eighteen, she travels town to town, village to village, trying to solve what happened to her family. She hasn’t stopped, not once.

In each settlement, she questions everyone in the area. No one gave her the answer she was looking for.

“Whats your name?” a boy, about eleven, asks her. He gives her a boyish smile, reminding her of a painful yet happy memory. With his black hair and dark brown eyes he could’ve been one of her brothers.

“ Emmy, Emmy Carter”

The author's comments:
My classmates and I had to write a short story for our English class. It had to be in the Midievil ages. I hope you enjoy this piece

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