My Strange Addiction | Teen Ink

My Strange Addiction

November 13, 2014
By Bukassa BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Bukassa BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I promised myself that I would get better. Even through all the rehab centers I’ve been to it just wasn’t enough. I see it on commercials and restaurants, its everywhere. Going to Wal-mart or any other grocery store is and was a struggle for me.

Hi I’m Bree, I’m sixteen and I’m a… pancake alcoholic. It all started when I had my first pancake at the age of three. The delicious taste of it just hooked me and I knew I didn’t want anything else. Pancakes became my life. Some people called it an addiction but I call it love. My parent tried to feed me new types of food but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t betray my love even though it’s very unhealthy. It was so unhealthy that at the age of ten I was two hundred pounds. My motto was “No Pancake No Life”.
Now my parents have me in this new place and the rules are if I don’t eat the food they give me then I can’t eat anything at all. This is going to be hard but I hope I can get through it.

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