The Choker | Teen Ink

The Choker

November 27, 2018
By mireille02 BRONZE, Costa Mesa, California
mireille02 BRONZE, Costa Mesa, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Another confession,” Alejandra said half heartedly as she enters the room after a long day in the city.

“Yeah, and another rejection,” added Alice, as she relaxes on her bed.

“It’s not my fault that our feelings aren’t mutual,” she answers while perching beside her.

As my sisters progress in their routine complaints, I flip a page of the book I was skimming. My mind couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to be admired by an outsider. I interrupt them by saying, “You’re not any better Alice. You never admit that you like Lex. I mean, it’s undeniable that he feels the same.” Lex is a musician who Alice fell in love with over the prior months. He is clearly clueless of who we are. We mask our identities when we leave our fortress so that the New Yorkers won’t imprison us.

Alice turns to me and replies with, “It’s complicated. You wouldn’t understand.”

“You’re right, I don’t understand,” I say as I get up. “You know why? This is why.” I begin to remove my choker to reveal my true form. My eyes turn from silver to a blood red hue and an ink design spirals up my arm. My hair, which was naturally jet black, began to reveal white highlights. My overall figure began to change as I stand there, letting it all sink in. I go on, “This is who I am. I’m not lovable, and I have a bad reputation. So be grateful.”

I march out of the room just as my sisters call out, “Adriana!”

I dash to my room and jump onto my bed and begin to sob into the sheets. I can hear the thunder crackling outside my bedroom window. As time passes by and my sheets are drenched in tears, my sister's file in one by one and sit beside me. My oldest sister, Alice, sits beside me first, stroking my back for a couple minutes of silence, before beginning to speak.

“I’m sorry Adriana, believe me. Alejandra and I…”

“Don’t worry,” I say, “It doesn’t matter.”

“It does matter,” Alejandra perches on the alternative side of me. “We can’t even imagine how you feel.”

All I could do was look up at them. As triplets, we look nothing like each other. Don’t misunderstand, both of my sisters were gorgeous, but in their own way. Alice looked sophisticated, with sinuous hair that streams over her shoulders like a waterfall. Her skin was as smooth as silk. Then there’s Alejandra, with long, chestnut hair that cascades down her back. Her high cheekbones and full lips were dazzling. It would be impossible to think that they weren’t admired.

“Here,” Alice takes my hand and cups it between both of hers, “we’re going to prove to you that you are admirable.”

“How?” I respond.

“Alejandra and I,” they glance at each other, “...were thinking about attending the masquerade that will be held tomorrow in the city.”

“A masquerade?” I ask, confused. “In the city?”

“It’s an event held annually,” replies Alejandra, “but it’s a great opportunity for you, especially because you could be yourself.”

“...Though you’ll be behind a mask. Even so, it’s a great first step,” said Alice.

“What will we wear?”

“I found a great shop just for gowns,” Alejandra squealed.

I rose and faced them while grinning. “I can’t believe you would do this for me,” I nearly couldn’t contain my happiness.

“Why is it so hard to believe?” Alice beamed.

“That’s what sisters are for!” Alejandra giggled.

I pull them both in for an embrace. I’ve never possibly been more ecstatic than I’ve been now. I’ve always dreamt about attending a masquerade. I’ve read about them in my books, but never have I ever imagined that this would happen to me.

“When can we go buy the dresses?” I asked.

“How about now?” Alejandra was studying my face to see my expression once she said those words. I know that they have also never seen me this gleeful.

I didn’t even need to respond with a ‘yes,’ because they already knew. Alice puts the choker back on me so that transformed out of my dark self. We stood close, as Alejandra began to change our appearances to disguise ourselves from strangers. I’m the primary reason for this; I used to terrorize the city. I didn’t burn down buildings, but I did steal and scare people just for the fun of it. The main reason I stopped doing that was because I began to realize that this would affect my future, but it was too late. That was five years ago, when I was only fourteen. I still do it once in awhile when I need to blow off some steam. It’s partially the reason why I’m a huge threat to the people. Just as they forget about me, I strike again.

“We’re all set!” Alice says in excitement.

We saunter through the invisible shield that guards and hides our castle and make our way down the path and towards the city where the shop is located.

The minute we stepped foot in the shop, I could feel the excitement coursing through my blood. I tried my best to stay casual and not show too much of my joy, but I knew that my sisters could feel the happiness radiate off me. Besides, Alice can read my thoughts, so there’s nothing to hide. She turns around for a brief second to smile at me before we split up, but not too far, to look for our dresses. We checked in with each other from time to time to view what we have chosen and give feedback.

As time passed, both Alice and Alejandra have selected their gowns. Alice’s is black with green accents. It is off the shoulder with some volume on the sleeves. It wraps her body flawlessly. Alejandra’s is black with maroon accents. Hers is a pinch more revealing than Alice’s, but both were equally gorgeous. Hers has an open back with slits on both sides of her hips. It came the time where I have to display my chosen one. I dash to the fitting room and put the dress on. My sisters are waiting outside for the big reveal. I walk out to showcase myself, nervous for the feedback. Their eyes are glued to my gown while standing motionless. I notice my reflection on the mirror. I’m wearing a strapless black gown with red accents. The clothing embraces my body better than my mother had ever done.

As my sisters recovered, they each told me how magnificent I looked.

“Now it’s time for the accessories!” They both said together, since Alice can read Alejandra’s mind.

We look for some accessories and masks that match our outfits and we exit the shop.

As we arrived back home, all I could think of is how wonderful tomorrow will be.


It’s the following day and I’m sitting by my sisters. I told them I couldn’t wait until the sun goes down. Then I remember that I could move time forward using my magic of the night. I get up and snap my fingers and watch the sun quickly descend  only to be replaced by the moon.

“Well then,” Alice giggled, “let’s get ready.”

We each dashed to our own rooms to get ready for the event. After we’re done changing into our  outfits, we helped each other with our hair. I look stunning.

We ordered a limousine yesterday to pick us up just outside the city, so that they won’t know who we are. The sky is showered with stars, and the air is just right. It’s as if the thunderstorm yesterday never really happened. After the ride, we were facing the building that the event was being held in. I take a deep breath and glance at my sisters, who were also hesitant. We held hands for a second before deciding to split up, though we agreed not to stray too far. Alice already knows that Lex was inside, because his thoughts displayed in her mind. Alejandra and I, however, are off to find someone new.

As soon as I walk in, I immediately glue my eyes on someone. There was just something about him, but I don’t know what. His aura just calls out to me. He’s wearing a suave suit with a mysterious mask. His bluish gray eyes caught my attention. Alejandra nudges me to confront him. I can handle this, I think. I realize that I’m holding my breath and exhale. I approached him.

He was already facing me by the time I reached him. He gave me a warm smile as I position myself in front of him. He didn’t ask for my name, or anything about me, but asked, “Care for a dance?”

I quickly try to think of a valid response, but before I knew it, he places his hand on my lower back and closes his hand on mine. It’s an unusual feeling to feel a hand on my lower back, but I wasn’t complaining. He maneuvers me to the center of the ballroom and begins to guide me in this slow dance. We fall deep in each others eyes. We break the eye contact when he spins me, but our eyes find a way to reconnect. We never spoke, but that was enough. I took a glance around the room in search for my sisters and spot them glimpse at me. Alice beamed at me while Alejandra winks. I turn back to this mystery man and notice his modern pomp hair. A fragment of his hair on his forehead caught my attention. Temptation took over me as I place that fragment of hair and tucked it in where it belongs. I comprehend what I had done and immediately stumble on words. “I-I…. Sorry,” I manage to get out.

He chuckles and brings me an inch closer, as he whispers, “Don’t worry about it.”

He’s about to lift off my mask but I pull away. “I’m sorry,” I say, as I find my way out of the ballroom. Moments later, my sisters meet me outside.

We stand in silence for a few more moments. I peer inside once more and see him standing in the same location, looking back at me with a slight grin.

“It’s okay,” I broke the silence, “let’s go home.”

It’s the following day. I can’t stand being away from him, I thought. It’s something about him...

“Then let’s go find him, today,” Alice responds to my thoughts.

I don’t know how to reply. Part of me wants to, and the other part wants to be cautious as to how he would react. Before my brain could respond, my heart says, “Let’s do it.”

My sisters bounce in glee, while I stand there beaming.

“How will we know it’s him? He was wearing a mask.” I ask.

“I memorized his aura and have read up on his thoughts,” Alice says.

“Can you tell me his name?”

“That’s for you to discover on your own.” It was worth a shot.

Alice senses his aura in the forest around our castle.

Why is he so close? I wonder. I look outside my window and see his figure sitting on a tree stump some yards away.

“This is it,” I say confidently. We stroll towards him.

“Adriana Beaumont,” he says as we approach.

“You know my name?” I ask, confused.

“Of course I do,” he adds, “we’re alike.”

“What do you mean?”

He reveals a shackle on his wrist. He continues to remove it and begins to transform. A tattoo similar to mine ropes around his arm. His eyes turn to the blood red shade. “My name is Neal Burke,” he says. At last, there’s someone like me. “I was banished out of Ireland and decided to come here. I’ve heard about you and I had a feeling you would show up at the masquerade ball.”

I run to him and wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist. I found the one. After a couple moments, he pulls back just so he can hold me again to kiss me. We pull away after a few moments to admire each other's presence.

“You know, I like you much more without the mask on,” he tells me.

“Likewise,” I respond.

The author's comments:

This story is one of the few creative writing pieces that I appreciate. I personally love the aesthetic of the story and someday I wish to write a longer story based on this one. I never had the courage to continue the story or make it into something better. Nevertheless, I am proud of this work.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 4 2018 at 8:18 pm
KenzWrites11 SILVER, Dallas, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 6 comments
I loved this, I think it would be a good series.