In the Mind of a Teenage Girl | Teen Ink

In the Mind of a Teenage Girl

September 25, 2012
By Anonymous

Okay, there he is. Stay calm. Stay calm?! What am I saying?! Oh gosh.. He just smiled. I love that smile.
I love that smile.
Okay he's getting closer. What is he asks me how my weekend was? All I did was sit and play with my dog. Shoot I forgot to feed my dog...
HE'S GETTING CLOSER! I could have sworn he wore that sweatshirt last week. What am I going to say?! "Hey" can be a little bit to mellow.. "Hi" sounds like you know, I'm high. There's the classic "Hello." Oh no! Stop walking please I'm not ready! Maybe I should stop walking? Go for the classic "I need to bend down and tie my shoe" look? No he would know. He's so smart. He's so cute.. Oh! the hey/hi/hello! Okay... On the count of 3... 1... 2.. 3..
"Hello." I said with a smile. He smiled back. HE SMILED BACK?! HE SMILED BACK!
Oh my goodness I'm going to pass out. Crap. I said hello? My voice sounded so low he probably thought I was one of his guy friends. Then he looked up and BAM it's a woman. I'll have to practice that later. Maybe I sounded so un-enthusiastic that he won't even want to talk to me anymore. Oh my gosh I'm going to throw up. What was I thinking?! Hello?!
I need to start reading up on cats. Why, you ask? Because I'm never going to get married. Because I can't say hello. Because he walked too fast. Because my shoe was tied. Because my voice is too low.
Excuse me while I go and crawl into a hole and call for my crazy cat lady starter kit.

The author's comments:
Welcome, to the mind of a teenage girl when she sees a cute boy!

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This article has 2 comments.

on Oct. 3 2012 at 6:59 pm
prettysoccer_girl34 SILVER, Park City, Utah
5 articles 0 photos 28 comments
This is so good! And so true hahaha every girl or at least most of us can relate to this story! Keep writing you rock! :D

on Sep. 30 2012 at 8:37 pm
cuckoo_for_cocoa_puffs SILVER, Superior, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are not Africans because we are born in Africa; we are Africans because Africa is born in us"- Chester Higgins Jr.

Omigosh I LOVE THIS!!! This is me personified!!! Let it be known I was the first to comment when the hoard of adoring fans clamor you for your wonderful REAL writing. I love this. Please please don't stop writing :)