The Happy Couple | Teen Ink

The Happy Couple

December 14, 2012
By Lillian Rose BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
Lillian Rose BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Happy Couple

As he gazed into her soft, charming eyes, he knew it was forever. They both were sure their love was strong and were excited to start their lives together. As she walked along the seashore, her blue eyes shined brightly as her long white dress flowed in the wind. She could hear the sea-green waves splash against the rugged rocks in the distance as the cool wind began to blow through her shiny black hair. She looked into his enchanting eyes while he squeezed her hand tightly. At that very moment, with just a kiss, they became husband and wife. The couple stayed on the beach for a couple hours longer so they could be together and watch the beautiful, pink sunset. They layed down in the warm, soft sand and watched shades of blue and grey change to a luminous orange. As the sun went down, their love went up, like a balloon being set free into the colorful sky. Once the fiery sun cooled down, they turned on their sides and looked into each other’s eyes.
Feelings of reassurance and excitement fell over them. Happiness grew between them, but it was like a child on Christmas morning. The child was excited to open gifts and spread happiness through the air. But, as the child began to grow up, he realized he was never truly happy. All the gifts and presents in the world could never make up for how alone he felt inside. As he became older and wiser, he realized it wasn’t all the gifts that made him happy, but the spirit of the season and the warm feeling of family.

As time went on for the happy couple, realizations started to come at them like a blazing comet, falling from the sky. The fact that their relationship was too perfect frightened them and gave them doubts about their love and commitment for each other. They started to grow apart as they realized they were not as externally happy as they thought. She began to argue and he began to lie. Their love started to wither like a rose fighting to survive a cold, harsh winter. They both left and parted their separate ways, but there would always be a strong connection between the two. They would think about each other from time to time as a frightening reminder that true love is not always as it seems.

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