fight for you my love | Teen Ink

fight for you my love

January 31, 2013
By Anonymous

My best friend had left the room and it was only he and I as I stood speechless and not wanting to say anything, afraid that id say the wrong thing. As I finally swallowed the lump in the back of my throat and asked him about a rumor I heard going around, that he had liked me. He had replied with a yes and I smiled he looked at me and asked do you like me back and I looked into his green eyes and said yes. He had asked a serious question that would change the relationship between us, the question that made my heart melt a little and me. The words that came flowing out of his mouth were like music to my ears. “Kendra do you want to go out with me” I started to smile as I stepped to him and said yes. He then wrapped his arms around my waist and we kissed, my whole body tingled when we kissed it was like I instantly fell in love. I could not stop smiling that day it was like all my dreams had come true. It wasn’t even twenty-four hours later and we had our first battle with drama. He was in his class and I was in mine I had been told something that had broke my heart and made me cry I was so upset and disgusted that I had almost vomited. I had confronted him about this issue and he had been honest and told me what all had happened, I knew he didn’t want to talk about this but if he truly cared about me he would discuss this issue with me. We had gotten the problem worked out, but it still hurts me knowing what he had done with that girl.

He had me in his arms and I looked up at him and he said I love you I was in total shock and didn’t say it back we had kissed and hugged and it was time for me and him to run off to our class I had kissed him and walked away to my class and he had walked to his. I could not stop smiling and actually thinking he loves me. I couldn’t believe it! Later on that day I went home and he had gone home, I asked him about him saying I love you to me and he said that he did but I didn’t say it back and that had disappointed him. But as soon as he said that I didn’t say it back I had texted him “I love you” and well, he had said it back. It was a feeling that I couldn’t even explain I cant even explain how much I love this man I said I love you so much that I thought I had annoyed him, but he didn’t mind I knew that he had loved me just as much or even more. It was like I knew in my heart that the feeling was mutual, like it was meant to be. C+K<3

We were telling each other just how much we loved one another. When he had texted me “I feel so weird I’ve fallen in love with the greatest girl so quickly and she’s so beautiful I’m the luckiest guy in the world” and I had texted him back with an awe and he had said “I hope you feel the same babe” and I replied with and “I do” as then he had replied with the sweetest text I had ever gotten, and his words were “good I want to say this, you are my light, you are my love, when I see you fall into the deepest part of my heart every time I see you. Then when I dream I see us together forever. A moment dose not go by where I don’t want to hold you close to my heart and kiss you with every breathe I take this is my feelings for Kendra the most beautiful in my world” I had the most amazing feeling in the world I told him that I felt amazing and that I wish I could get engaged to him and that I loved him. He said “id love to be engaged to you I love you and who knows maybe after a couple months ill pop the question cause I already know I’m deeply in love with you” he has made why heart melt into his and I want to stay with him for forever and always. I truly mean everything that I say to him and I know he means everything he says to me. We are in love with each other.

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