Varsity Girl | Teen Ink

Varsity Girl

March 3, 2013
By watever-loser.. BRONZE, Melaka, Other
watever-loser.. BRONZE, Melaka, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If someone hates you, then don't give a crap..

Have you ever experience a night that you just couldn’t forget because it was just so good? Well, I do. There I was in 2008 just being dumped by my girlfriend which apparently sucks. And the most pathetic thing was her reason for the breakup. She started with the line, “It’s not you but it’s totally me,” in her stupid sweet voice of hers which made me despise her even more. What did she think this is? One of those boring romantic movie that she begged me to watch? After that, I asked her what the hell was seriously her reason and she answered, “Gary, you seriously think that this relationship is going anywhere? If you do, there’s seriously something the matter with you. And besides, I just met this amazing guy at the parking lot near my apartment,” The weird thing was that she laugh it out as if it was nothing important. When I left, I was still confused with the whole situation.
After a terrible breakup-well, in this case, the lamest breakup-I went to the place I always go after a breakup, the local pier. Besides the beach, there’s always something going on. Whether it’s a carnival, concert or fun fair, it’s fun to go there once and awhile. The food there is also delicious. There’s cotton candy, apple caramel, popcorn and if you want to know more, then you just have to go there yourself. I never go there with any of my ex-girlfriend. It’s never a place for a date in my list because it’s a place I always go after a breakup. Anyway, I tried to play the games there but I was just bored of these stupid girls that I’ve been dating. So, I just stood at the pier, listening to the waves and drinking a can of soda alone. I was trying to listen to the waves when the distraction started coming in. All those giggling and all those laugh I heard. I thought I was just imagining things but then when I turn myself to the pier, all I saw was just couples being happy. And ironically, I was the only man alone there just looking at ocean being all sad. I was about to leave when suddenly, BANG!!!- I accidentally bumped into someone as I was turning. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there,” I apologized profusely. “It’s totally fine. If anyone should apologize, it should have been me,” a girl’s voice answered. I looked at her to check whether if she fell or maybe she spilled her drink but thankfully, nothing happened. I totally thought that it was a girl with her boyfriend but it was just a girl. And she’s alone. Finally, I’m not the only one who’s alone.
“Are you okay?”I was trying to be caring despite all the shenanigans that happened before. The mystery girl looked up at me. The emotion on her face was as if she was surprised with what I asked her. “Thank you. Finally, after a whole day in this horrible city, someone finally have some manners. Thank you for asking me that. I totally appreciated that,” she said. For a moment there, I thought that she’s a psychotic addict that had just escaped from the crack house. But looking at her appearances, she looks totally normal. I didn’t quite hear what she said next. Instead, I was just looking at her from head to toe. She’s a brunette. She let her hair down and she’s look kind of tall. She wore a simple pair of black stilettos with black skinny jeans. But what really attracts my attention was her varsity shirt. Maybe there’s something the matter with me. There are a lot of things that can make me attracted to her. Her hair, her pink lips which kind of reminded me of Jessica Biel’s lips but none of that really attracted my attention. It was just the varsity shirt. “So again, thank you. It really means a lot to me that you apologized despite it being my fault,” I heard she said. I didn’t think that she noticed me looking at her shirt the whole time. I didn’t even think that she knows that I wasn’t paying attention to her babble. “It’s fine. Have a nice night,” I said as I was about to leave the pier. She said bye to me and I waved. As I was walking, part of me was saying what an idiot I am for just leaving her there. I wanted to leave but it felt wrong. So, I decided to turn around and go back to the girl.
“Hey, I’m going to buy some hotdogs, you want some? It’s not that far from here,” I asked. The girl smiled and said, “Sure. I’m so sorry for bothering. I’m so lost and I just have no idea where to go,” I let out a little laugh because she was cute. We both walked together to the hotdog stall nearby. As we walked, we talked about each other. Apparently, she’s a third-year arts student at her university. She was here with some friends on a road trip but when they went to the pier, her friends ditched her. The worst thing was that it was her first time coming here which explains why she was shocked about the way people talk around here. I told her a little bit about myself too. I told about being a literature graduate and the internship I just started. I even told her about the whole breakup and she burst out laughing about it when I told her. Then, we talked about favourite bands, type of music, movies, shows and even restaurants. She said that her favourite band was The Ting Tings and that she’s a big fan of the vocalist. I said that my favourite would be Linkin Park and for the first time, a girl said that they’re actually cool. A girl I met like five minutes ago said that. When we talked about movies, she said that her favourite would probably be Wedding Crashers. I told her that I totally agree with her because I really like Owen Wilson. At the same time, she likes him too. Wow! We totally have many things in common. After we bought our hotdogs, we talked about sports. Apparently, she used to be in her high school track team. I told her that I used to be in my high school lacrosse team which surprised her a little bit. We laughed and talked. We even told each other some jokes. It was actually fun. We ate some hotdogs, drank some soda and played some games. Before all of this, I thought that it will be just a normal and boring night but everything changed. After awhile, I realized something strange about this girl.
“You want to know something seriously weird? I don’t think we know each other’s names,” I just realized. “Yeah. I just noticed that. But I’m so not going to do that,” she replied. “I’m so confused. We talked. We had some hotdogs but we don’t know each other’s names. Why don’t you want to know my name?”I asked. I just have to. She sighed,” Well, it will destroy the dynamic. I don’t want to destroy this fun time we just had. It’s better if our name become a mystery. It’s more fun that way, right?” I didn’t answer. What’s so fun about that anyway?-I thought in my head. My face was filled with nothing but frustration. Here I was thinking that I met the perfect girl when the only problem was that she didn’t want us to know each other’s names. All of a sudden, there was nothing but dead silence. All of that laughter was ruined by the annoying statement she just made. Then, she let out a deep breath and said, “What about this? We don’t tell each other our actual names but we have our own secret code names. Only the two of us use it. And just to be fair I can choose yours and you get to choose mine,” I kind of liked that idea. I nodded and said, “Okay, what do you have in mind?” “For you, I was thinking about SpongeBob,” she said. “What? I totally rejected that. Next,” I laughed. There are many things in this world and she decided to call me that. “Okay then, what about Agent Jay? You’re as tall as Will Smith,” “Okay, I can live with that,” I answered. Then, it was my turn. “What about varsity girl?” I suggested. She laughed and asked why. So, I pointed at her varsity shirt which explained her question. I’ve been calling her that since we accidentally bumped each other so, I kind of got used to varsity girl. We spent the whole night strolling along the pier. Besides that, we kept on using the code names we gave each other which made the night more adventurous. “I have a great time. I really hope that we could this next time,” she commented. I completely agree with her. I didn’t even realize that it was late because we were just having a great time. I just hoped that this night would never end. For a moment there, I felt myself at ease with varsity girl. We barely knew each other but we hung out together. I wanted to get to know her a little bit more but I didn’t even know her name. Even she didn’t know my name. It’s not like she’s going to let me know her or anything. I asked her if we could meet each other again but she said she can’t because she has to leave the next day. “Can I at least take a picture with you? For happy memories?” I asked desperately. I really wanted to have picture with her but I was ready to face her rejection. But to my surprise, she said,” Why not?” I pulled out my phone from my pocket and got ready to take our picture. The both of us were smiling happily and while the picture was taken, I decided to put my arms around varsity girl’s waist. I thought it was okay until I heard someone shouting and saying, “Hey! Keep your paws off my girl!!!” Before I could turn to know who it was, I saw a big fist coming right at my face. What happened next was a blur. All I could hear was varsity girl shouting for help and asking someone to call the ambulance. But then, I just couldn’t make out what happened next.
I woke up the next day feeling tired and worn out. When I looked around, I realized that I was in the hospital. “Good morning. Feeling well after what you did last night?” a tall lean black-haired nurse asked sarcastically. She was serving me breakfast as I looked around. “What happened?” I asked while touching my right cheek that hurt really bad. The nurse glared at me as if I did something seriously wrong. “You mean you don’t remember about getting punched at the face last night? Then, you passed out at the pier, remember?” she asked. That explained the bruise and the pain I’ve been feeling at my right cheek. Suddenly, I remembered about last night. “Have you seen a tall brunette girl wearing a varsity shirt coming to see me?” “Yeah. She left like an hour ago. She’s really worried about you. Unfortunately for you, she’s gone,” the nurse said. She’s gone? She did mention to me that last night was the last night she would be here but I didn’t thought that she was serious. After all that happened last night, I left with nothing. “You know? She did left a note. It’s right there near your phone,” the nurse said while pointing at the drawer next to my bed. I saw my phone and there’s a sticky note on the screen. I think the nurse saw my sad face when she said that varsity girl was gone. I thanked her profusely and she said that I should have some time alone. She even asked to try the omelette. When she left, I just sat at the bed looking sticky note. It only had the word SORRY on it in a delicate cursive handwriting. It would probably be varsity girl’s handwriting. Then, I remembered about the picture of us. I quickly switched on my phone and I searched for it. Luckily, it was still in my phone because at least, I could keep it as a memory.
It’s been a year since I saw varsity girl and I just couldn’t forget about her. Everytime I think of her, I just look at the picture of us in my phone. I tried going out with a few girls but they’re just not as cool as varsity girl. I wanted to search for her but I just didn’t where to start. I went to the pier almost all the time with the hopes that I could see her again. But she was just not there. One night, I was just the lonely guy I was a year ago after that lame breakup-which still holds the record as the lamest breakup in my list. There I was drinking soda and listening to the waves again. I was at least until I heard someone calling out, “Agent Jay?”

The author's comments:
Love is everywhere. You just have to find it.

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