Just Another Boy | Teen Ink

Just Another Boy

May 23, 2013
By Anonymous

Megan: OMG u’ll never guess who just got tickets for 1D’s show tonight!!
Elle: How?! What?! Where?! How?!
Megan: James knows a guy… Anyways get your pumps out I’m picking you up at seven!
Elle: Aw damn! I have to my brother’s rehearsal dinner tonight! ?
Megan: R U SERIOUS!?! The weddings not till next week
Elle: ik but they had to do it early to fit everyone’s schedules… take mag she loves 1D
Megan: ok r u SURE you cant skip it??
Elle: Sorry megs but it’s a no can do but have fun and send me pics! Luv ya babe!
Megan: Luv ya too! Ttly
I grab my jean jacket and jog down stairs taking them two at a time.
Mom- “Going out again I see.”
Elle- “You know me so well mom, I’m just going with friends. I promise to be home before 10.”
Mom- “ I’m warning you honey one day those boys are gona notice that you’re a girl and not just one of the guys.”
I can’t help the smirk that spreads across my face. My mom knows me too well. I may be most comfortable in five-inch heels, but when it comes to friends she knows I pick the guys over girls any day.
Elle- “ Your right mom that will happen, that is when pigs fly.”
She turns back to the stove and laughs. A loud beep causes her to drop the spoon in the soup.
Elle- “That would be John, bye mom!”
I slip out the door before she makes him come inside and pick out the spoon. It may seem crazy but she’s done it before.

Okay so lets just recap. The key thing about me is that I’ve never been a girly girl. Yes I love shopping and makeup… Hold on let me rephrase this. I’ve never been a friend with girls. Yes I’ve got a line of girls waiting to be my friend but I would rather just be with the guys. I’m known as the most popular at our school (cue thought of girl in heels and short pink skirt with little dog in purse). Hell no, I wear jeans cowboy boots and spend my free time in the library. Why people want to be my friend I’ve got no idea. But why I’m a friend with the boys is from the past. I grew up the only girl, with five brothers might I add so it was pretty much destiny for me to be at least a little bit tomb boy. So here I am in my best friends jeep on the way to guys night.
John- “Okay so Charles wants to ask Kate out but he’s scared his ex will be upset.”
Elle- “What, I don’t get a hello?”
John-“Sorry, you weren’t in the library so I’ve been waiting all day.”
Oh I forgot I ditched john today.
Elle- “Sorry I was trying to avoid Megan all day since she was trying to take me to 1D.”
John dated Megan a while back and always grimaces at her name. He likes the girls at our school about as much as I do but I’ve always been an exception.
John – “I’m glad she bought they lie. What did you use this time? Doctors? Funeral? Aunts Birthday party?”
Elle- “Wow remind me never to ask you to make an excuse for me those are pretty lame. And no I said I had to go to the rehearsal dinner.”
John- “Haha I’m sure she won’t even notice when you have to go again next week. By the way you still need someone to be your plus one at this wedding? Cause I look stunning in a tux.”
I laugh “Yeah you look about as good as I do.”
Johns one of my closest friends we’ve been in school together for 10 years and weve become kind of inseparable. That’s why I know he’s kidding bout the date thing. He knows I’ve sworn off boys from school; I call it the ultimate friend zone. After we both had bad breakups we learned you don’t date your friends, it just doesn’t work. We pull up to johns house just as Jake greats the pizza guy at the door and pays. I walk in the door taking the pizza from Jakes hands.
Jake- “Hey that’s mine!”
I take a piece and make a big show of eating it in one piece. A talent my dad taught me. Charles and Adam who entered the kitchen to see my performance begging to applaud and I take a bow.
John- “Alright even though I’d love to see how much pizza you could fit in your mouth, its game time!”
We enter the basement for the everlasting call of duty game that’s been going on for weeks. I take my controller and fall onto the couch. Before I sink into the seat I feel myself land on someone’s lap. I turn around to see Adam grinning at me.
Elle- “There is enough room on the couch to not have to sit on each other ya know.”
Adam- “I know but what fun would that be?” He wraps his arm around my waist when I try to stand.
I may be one of the guys but that’s never stopped Adam from flirting with me. I reach my arm like I’m going to touch him arm but instead grab the pillow next to me and hit him in the head. Surprised he lets go. Everyone starts laughing as I take my place on the ground next to john’s feet.
Charles- “Okay so teams are John, Elle, and me vs. Peter, Jake, and Adam.”
Peter- “Not really fair that you get Elle, she’s better than Adam and Jake.” That comment gets peter a face full of feathers from the pillow Adam threw.
Elle- “Can we start please. Your gona lose anyway so why not get it over with?”
John- “Elle’s right lets get this game started.” The screen powers on and we begin, starting off from where we left off last week. We play for about and hour before Charles starts complaining that his thumbs hurt. When he threatens to shoot all of us just he can take a break we all surrender and save for the night.
Jake- “Okay so we got another hour before parents start calling cause of curfew so what you’ll want to do?”
John-“ If everyone’s still onboard we should plan our weekend trip to Martha’s Vineyard. My bros going over for a party as his friends house and my parents said we could all go up and use the house for two days.”
Adam stands on a chair to make an announcement, “I vote we discus the rad trip to John’s beach house in the hot tub!”
Charles, Jake, and Peter take of running; they always race to see who can get in first. But Adam jumps off the chair and tackles Jake who’s in the lead giving him the advantage.
John-“You coming?”
Elle- “I didn’t bring anything to swim in.”
John- “No problem, you can borrow one of my sisters suits.”
Elle- “ Okay thanks, Ill be out in one sec.”
John- “Hurry, you don’t want to miss their tie breaker to see who can hold their breath the longest.” He leaves with a wink and I head upstairs.
Okay so when I was growing up boys surrounded me. Never a day went by when there wasn’t football practice, Xbox, or burping contests. Until the age of 10 people couldn’t tell me from my brothers we dressed and acted alike. Even now at the age of 15 I don’t dress like a girl since well there’s not much to show off. Long story short I don’t like bikinis, but walking into John’s sister’s room I knew that was all I was going to find. I find a yellow bathing suit that’s about my size. I slip it on and head downstairs. I know there are moments in book where the beautiful girl walks in and the room goes silent while everyone stares at her but never in a million years would I expect that to happen to me. I walk over to the glass door that leads to the hot tub and before I even open the door I realize I have already taken jakes attention. By the time I get outside I have an audience of 5 watching me.
Elle- “Will you all stop starring at me like I have two heads, you’re creeping me out.”
Adam- “ So you’re aloud to walk abound like that and I’m not aloud to enjoy the show.” A wide grin settles on his face.
Elle-“Not for free your aren’t.” My joke makes all of them laugh a little, distracting them as I get in. John moves more towards Charlie to make room for me even though there is a spot next to Peter. Charles gives me a question look as I sit next to John but I just shrug.
John- “Alright so boat leaves tomorrow at noon, so we all need to be packed and ready to go at 11 so we can make it to the ferry on time. Elle have you talked to your mom yet?”
Elle- “Ummm… Well… You see…. No I haven’t.”
Jake- “So we leave tomorrow and you don’t even know if you can go?!”
Adam- “On a side note is there anyway we could get a ferry that doesn’t cause me to get up before noon, I need my beauty sleep?
Charles- “Its gona take a lot more than sleep to make your face manageable.”
Adam and Charles wrestle each other in the other end of the hot tub while the remaining of us discus.
Elle- “I just don’t know if my mom will let me. I don’t think she loves the idea of me staying in a house for with the 5 of you all alone.”
Peter- “Your gona have your own room while we all have to share two. I don’t see how that’s fair.”
Jake- “It’s not but its Johns house and he gave HER the big room!”
John- “That’s right and you can all shut up about it or sleep outside. Come on Elle its almost 10 and I doubt your mom will let you break curfew.”
Charles holding Adam underwater says, “Its okay john I got to head home anyway and her house is on the way. Really I insist.” He says this line with a little too much force while looking at john but I slip my clothes on over my bathing suit and head out to Charles’s jeep anyway. He gets in and starts the car. Its odd normally John is my chauffer Charlie rarely drives me.
Elle- “Okay, what’s your deal Charles?”
Charles- “Elle we got to talk.”
The three worlds that never lead to anything good but somehow I remain calm.
Elle- “About…”
Charles- “John. I know the two of you have been friends for what is I ten years now but is anything well… umm… going on between you too?”
I can’t help it I laugh.
Elle- “Did Adam hold you underwater for a little to long?”
Charles- “I’m being serious Elle, he’s acting weird. He’s been more protective of you; making sure you sit next to him or even get your own room. Since when have you gotten your own room during sleepovers?”
A bit of anger stirs somewhere in side me.
Elle- “I know you and all the other guys sometimes forget but I am a girl. Johns always remembered that even when I act as one of the guys, he doesn’t forget. Have you ever thought that he’s just watching out for me? Keeping me close to keep me safe from Adams teasing, so I can feel safe when I’m around you guys. Huh, did ya? Well I doubt you did because Johns my best friend he doesn’t like me!”
I realize that Charles had pulled into my driveway while I was arguing.
Charles- “I’m sorry Elle. I’m just trying to watch put for you.”
Elle – “If you don’t mind please send john to pick me up tomorrow.”
With that’s I jump out and slam the door before he can respond. I may be over reacting but its ridiculous. You think John likes me? Now that’s just insane.
Mom- “Have a fun night?”
Elle- “Like always. Hey so mom John planned a trip to his house on Martha’s Vineyard with the guys and me, and I was wondering if I could go.”
Mom- “Overnight?”
Elle- “Yep, but don’t worry Johns giving me my own room.”
Mom- “I see no reason why not, you’ll call if there’s a problem right?”
Elle- “Of course. Can I ask you one more question?”
Mom- “Sure. What is it?”
Elle- “Do you remember telling me this morning how one day the boys will realize that I’m not just another one of the guys?”
At this point she puts down her book, completely focusing on me.
Mom-“ Yes what about it?”
Elle- “Well Charlie has this crazy idea that john likes me. John! I mean its crazy!”
Mom-“ Lil do you remember in 7th grade when you had a crush on john… That was the year you two go very close. You always thought you would never have a chance with him because he’d only see you as one of the boys. Well Hun, when he sees your not one of the boys, and I don’t know when that will be, but he’ll see you the way you wanted him to see you. As the beautiful girl you are. But don’t forget that John Is your friend and what ever you two go through it will end with your long lasting friendship.”
I reach out and hug my mom, “You always know exactly what to say.”
I see john on the swing in the park but I don’t know why he is there, or why I’m there watching him. I realize that it’s not John, but a younger version of him probably him in 7th grade. This john has longer hair coving his dark hazel eyes, and is not as tall as he is now. This john is also not alone. Suddenly Sofia is sitting on the swing with him sitting way too close. He reaches out and holds her hand as they swing back and forth. Before I can run or hide my eyes he kisses her. He kisses her the way I have always wanted him to kiss me….
I wake with sweat on the back of my neck as I try to calm my crazed breathing. “It was just a dream.” I tell my self this over and over but it doesn’t work because I know I’m lying to myself. Just like the day when I went to meet John at the park in 6th grade and told myself I never saw him there, never saw the way he loved her.

The next day I was waiting with my backpack on the porch as John’s truck pulled up. I get an image of my dream last night but push it down with all my might. Johns telling me to take shot gun with him, but instead I go to the bed of the truck where everyone else is and ask Charles to switch with me. He sighs and walks around the truck to take my place. I know everyone is watching me but I don’t care. I put in my head phones turn up my music and watch as the sky as we drive.
I’ve never been a fan of boats but the water was calm so I managed to not get see sick once. We all head off the boat to find Johns truck on the lower deck. Peters looking a little green but other than that everyone seems good, even Johns smiling again.
John- “Peter don’t you dare throw up in my truck.”
Peter- “Don’t blame me blame the stupid boat.”
Elle- “Come on guys I want to go get unpacked so we can start barbequing by 5.”
Jake- “Girls got a point. I’m starving.”
This time I take shotgun well technically Charles pushed me, but I take the seat anyway. John gives us the grand tour of town, even though he has shown me around the island countless times. He shows us the island inn, the original black dog, and even some little shops.
Elle- “Stop!”
John slams on the brakes causing everyone in the truck bed to grown.
John- “What’s wrong was I going to hit something?”
Elle- “No. I just saw Jack Wills and remembered I had to do a little shopping.”
Adam calls from the back, “You’re kidding right?”
I open the door to the truck and head to the store, “Just give me 10 minutes.”
A chorus of annoyed “fine” answers my request. I may not shop a lot but when I do I’m great at it. I have ten minutes on the clock: that’s three minutes to try on two bathing suits and pick one, two minutes to have the sales woman help me pick a new bra, two minutes to try a new dress I saw online, one minute to pick up a pair of wedge sandals, and the last two minutes to pay. “Thank you.” I tell the sales woman just as my watch reaches the ten minute mark and reach the car at 10 minutes 23 seconds.
Elle- “I told you I’d only take ten minutes.” I say with a smirk.
John- “ How did you gather 5 bags of clothes in 10 minutes! What did you even buy?” He reaches down and opens the bag containing my new white lace bra. “And when did you start wearing bras miss Lily?”
Elle- “ Since I was 11.” I give him a glare as I snatch the bra and put it in the bag.
I hear a cough and turn to the whole crew staring at us threw the back window. Right as blood runs to my cheeks everyone begins to howl with laughter. I’m silent until we get to the house. I look at John once during the ride and see a gin almost as big as Adams plastered on his face. The truck stops at a small but homely cottage right near the water.
John- “Alright everyone out. I’ll take Elle to her room, Charles you can show the rest of the guys the guest room, and I’ll take the couch.”
When everyone else has gone inside I ask John why he’s sleeping on the couch.
John- “Cause your sleeping in my bed darling.”
I still stare at him with shock as he leads me up the stair to a door covered in posters of basketball players.
John- “ My brother and I share this room but he’s not hear so you got it all to your self.”
I walk in to see to twin beds pushed together.
Elle- “But there’s two bed here. Why is it just me?”
John- “You expect me to leave you in a bed next to one of them across the room, fat chance. I thought you’d like a little more room.”
I thank John with a hug and begin to unpack. When he exits I slip my clothes off and assemble my new outfit. I put on the new bra and begin to slip on the dress as the door opens. I can’t help it I scream.
John- “Aw crap sorry Elle I just needed my phone charger didn’t think you were getting changed.” He closes his eyes and backs out of the room.
Elle- “John its okay you can come in I just thought it was Adam.” I lay the dress over the front of my body so he can’t see anything as he gingerly walks to the desk where his charger sits. He turns back to exit but stops. He stares at me for just a moment too long when I realize he could see my non covered side. A smile spreads over his face before he closes the door behind him.
After I change I head downstairs so we can begin cooking. I walk right in on one of the guy’s conversations.
Jake- “I say B.”
Peter- “Me too.”
Adam- “Agreed, who knew she had em.”
Charles laughs.
John- “I’m telling you guys she’s a C.”
I cough drawing all the attention to me. Half the boys blush while John and Charles look down at their feet, except for Adam who just keeps on smiling.
Elle- “For the record I’m a D.” I walk out from behind the door sporting my new strapless dress showing of my top and heels showing of my legs.
Peter- “Yep she’s a D alright.”
Jake whistles.
I look at john and see that he’s been staring at me; he looks down when our eyes meet.
Charles- “Common people its already six and we got cooking to do.”
By 8 o’clock we have burned 13 burgers, lit two shirts on fire, and dropped a phone in the grill. After two hours of attempt Jake makes us order chines after he threatens to eat on of us instead. So we all settle for rice and dumplings with smores in the microwave after. After Peters 7th smore he heads up stairs, “Dude its only 10:30.” Adam calls, but Peter doesn’t answer.
Elle- “I think I’m gona hit the hay too. It’s late and its been a long day.”
Jake- “Great now everyone leaving.”
Elle- “You boys have fun, and if you’re good I’ll make waffles in the morning.”
Charles- “But you couldn’t even grill a burger.”
Elle- “Haven’t you ever heard of ego’s.”
They all crack up as I head up the stairs. I literally fall into bed after I take a shower and put on my shorts and tank top. The last thing I see is the clock turn to 11:11 as I make a wish.
“Elle…Elle are you awake.” I think I’m having another dream but I open my eyes to see a real john looking down at me.
Elle- “John why are you up hear.”
John- “I cant fall asleep on the couch, I was wondering if it was okay if I took the other bed?”
I pull the covers up feeling a little self conscious in my pajamas, and realize I’m lying on the very far sides of one of the beds. So I don’t see why it would be a bad Idea to say no. His jaw drops, seeming a little shocked that I said yes, but he lowers himself to the bed anyway. My eyes close just as he makes him self-confortable.
John- “Elle do you ever wish you could know what other people though of you?”
I want to say yes! I do! Everyday! But I just nod my head and whisper “Only with one person, I don’t care what everyone else thinks.”
John- “Good night Elle.”
Elle- “Night.”
The tips of our fingers just touch as I drift off to sleep.
“What the f*** is this!?” Screams Charles, as the rest of the guys are laughing their butts off in the now open doorway. I scramble away from John who now seems more aware of the situation.
John- “Shut up guys, nothing happened.”
Peter- “Yeah cause I casually share a bed with Elle all the time.”
Jake- “This isn’t even fair I had to sleep on the floor how come you got the bed?”
I can’t take it. They’re talking about me like I’m not even there. “Get Out!” I scream. They all stare at me a little shocked.
Peter- “Were just playing Elle, calm down.”
Elle- “I said get out! If you don’t all leave I’m leaving, and I mean it!” I stop into the bathroom before they can say anymore. I slide down the wall and onto the floor and cry. I can’t help it. How could I have been so stupid? I should of said no last night. We are friends and that’s all we can ever be. Someone knocks, “Go away!” I don’t want to talk to anyone. “Elle it’s me please open up.” John says. I won’t be able to ignore him so I wipe my eyes and unlock the door. He looks at me and anger fills his eyes, “Were you crying, did they make you cry? Because I’ll break all their necks, I swear. I’ll.” I cut him off.
Elle- “No john it’s okay I needed a reality check, its okay.”
John- “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Elle- “Nothing just forget I said anything.” I turn away and sit on the edge of the tub. He follows me and sits next to me.
John- “Elle I’m sorry about last night I know I shouldn’t of done that. But I want you to know that I’d never do anything like that Elle. You’re my sister.” He pulls me into a hug. He whispers, “Friends no matter what right?” I nod. He’s trying to console me but he’s just broken my heart in multiple places. This is why I never like guys who are my friend, I always end up getting hurt. I pull away and walk away from him without saying anything else. I walk into the kitchen, to see eight eyes staring at me. “Nothing happened okay! He couldn’t sleep on the couch, and I was sleeping on two beds pushed together.”
Adam- “Elle were sorry, we didn’t mean to upset you or john. We were just kidding.”
Peter- “Yeah, I mean we know John wouldn’t never do that you’re his best friend.”
Tears come to my eyes again but thank god Charles is there.
Charles- “Go get dressed Elle, I’m taking you out for the day.”
Elle- “What?”
Charles- “You can thank me later.” He turns and heads to johns truck.
I go upstairs and slip on a tank top and shorts with my new sandals. I manage to not see John; he must have gone to guest room. I open the truck door and get in.
Elle- “So where we going?”
Charles-“Sightseeing.” I give Charles a confused look and he clarifies. “Were going sights seeing because we got a lot to talk about but not around the guys, or john.” I thought he was going to try to do something like this. I turn to get out, “I don’t think so Elle, and I’ll kidnap you if I have too.” He says locking my door.
We drive for a while and end up at a small boat. I can’t tell now that were going to the island off Martha’s Vineyard. Wow he really is trying to get me alone. Charles’s phone starts to ring and he answers it, “Hello. She’s fine John. I’m taking her out for a bit. No not against her will. We’ll be back by dinner. I don’t see the point to this. Fine I swear.” He hangs up.
Charles- “Your in love with a nut case.” If I was drinking something I would have spit it right out.
Elle- “What did you just say!”
Charles-“Hold your horses Elle. Shesh. Come on we can go sit up on the deck and talk.” I’m scarred to get out of the car but I do anyway. We find two seats looking over the water in the front and sit down.
Elle- “So why did you kidnap me. I mean it is a great view but I have a feeling were not here to view the water.” He looks away from me and over the water.
Charles-“ Do you remember last year when you dated Nick? Of course you do but I don’t think you’ve ever heard the whole story.” I’m already frowning but he continues. “Nick and John had been friends for what three years. They were really close like brothers. The day he asked you out John stopped talking to him just pretended he wasn’t there. That was the first clue. The second was the night Nick told John he was gona hook up with you. I was with them that night. I have never, even to this day seen John so angry. He tackled Nick and almost broke his nose, before I pulled him off. But the third was three months ago. That was the night you asked us what we all look in a girl during a game of ask. We all went until John was the only one left. He described you, you may not of realized it but I did. That night when everyone went home I stayed around to figure out what was up. I asked him about you and at first he got really defensive but after he cracked and told me that he…”
Elle- “He…?”
Charles- “That’s all I can’t tell you. He made me swear on the phone when he called. Elle I can see how he looks at you, and even how you look at him.”
Elle- “No Charles your wrong, he only wants to be friends that’s all he’s ever wanted.”
Charles- “No Elle your wrong. He says he wants to be friends but he’s only lying.”
I don’t know how to respond if what Charles is saying is true does that mean john and I actually feel the same way?
Elle- “Charles are you sure you know what your talking about?”
Charles- “I’m positive.” He gives me a smile and looks back over the water. I pull out my phone and see I have a text from John.
John: U k?
Elle: Im good, U?
John: Im okay
I couldn’t tell him how I felt over text so I guess I’d just have to play it cool until tonight.
Elle: Wanna have a bon fire down @ the beach tonight??
John: Totally! ? The guys and me will get it set up, what time will u 2 b back?
Elle: Cool we wont be long c ya soon!
John: c ya
Charles- “And what are you up to, plotting something?”
Elle- “Were having a bon fire on the beach and the rest is a surprise.”
Charles- “ Then we may as well stay on here when it turns around to go back to the island.” He winks and heads to get a drink from the cooler in the truck.
We reach the house about an hour after sun set. I can already see the fire’s flames from the driveway. All of a sudden I freeze. I was high on excitement on the way here but now my fearfulness has faded. What if Charles is wrong? What if I make a fool out of myself? Could we still be friends? Doubts take over my mind and before I know it I’m hyper ventilating. I hear Charles’s voice but can’t focus on it. I feel him shaking me and finally get a hold on myself.
Charles- “Elle? Elle look at me, are you okay?
Elle- “I can’t do it Charles, I can’t put myself out there by telling him I like him.”
Charles- “Elle you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. Be your self tonight, just another boy. Then when you feel the time is right you can tell him. Don’t get worked up over this when there is no reason to.” He pulls me into a hug and I go into his arms willingly. I’ve finally calmed down when I hear someone suck in their breath. I let go of Charles to see John frozen in the doorway. “John… its not…”
John- “Save it Elle its not my business who your with.” I start to shake my head. How, how did this happen. Charles looks at me like a ghost while Johns looking at me with a mixture of hurt and anger.
Elle- “I’m done! I’m so sick of this, sick of you!” I point to john before I push by him and head out back. The rest of the guys are inside. They were probably watching my meltdown from the window. “What do you mean when you say your sick of ‘this’.” I know its john before I see him just from his voice.
Elle- “I really would rather not talk about this.”
John- “Well to bad because I NEED to talk about this whether you want to or not. I walk outside and see you pretty passionately hugging my best friend. I want an explanation.”
Elle- “Why? Why do you need an explanation why do you care!?” He takes a few steps towards me so he’s looking right down me.
John- “Because I love you Elle. I’ve loved you so long I can’t even remember when it started.” His hand comes around to the back of my head and holds me there. Then he kisses me. Gingerly I return his kiss before I pull back.
Elle- “I love you too john. But what does that mean. I’ve only ever been your friend.”
John- “It’s no different, but if it’s okay I want you to be my girlfriend not my friend. The only difference is this…” He kisses me again, before I can pull him closer I hear clapping and people screaming, “Go Johnny, that’s our boy, you owe me ten bucks I told you he’d get her.” Everyone come joins us down by the bon fire. I go to take a seat on one of the makeshift logs and full onto someone. I expect to see Adam and prepare to slap him, but instead I turn to see John with a grin that covers his whole face. Adam starts cracking up, “I told you it was a great move dude!” I role my eyes and take a marshmallow and stick from the pile. As the marshmallow melts in the fire so do my worries as I lean against John just as he wraps his arms around me.

The author's comments:
Summary: Elle has never been a girly girl, yes she could shop till she dropped but she'd much rather play halo with the guys. Peter, Adam, Jake, Charles, and her best friend John are attached like glue. She may sometimes wonder what it would be like to date John but then remembers she couldn't survive if anything broke their friendship. The thing is she doesn't realize he's thinking the same way. But during one of their over night hangouts on Martha's Vineyard everything goes wrong. Will Elle be able to hold on to their friend ship, will she want to?

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