The Letter | Teen Ink

The Letter

November 10, 2013
By Different_Voice BRONZE, Kitchener, Other
Different_Voice BRONZE, Kitchener, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Don’t worry about the bitches in school — that could be a good motto, because you come across people like that throughout your life.” -Jennifer Lawrence

My Dearest Claire,

I am so sorry, I never wanted to leave you. Not like this at least. I love you more than you could ever imagine, I just can’t go on pretending everything is okay. You were my perfect girl, and trust me when I put that promise ring on your finger I truly wanted to marry you someday, and it kills me that I can’t be there to do so. I wish I had a reason for leaving, but I simply don’t, everything became too much. I was so stressed and overwhelmed with school, and sports on top of everything with my family, I simply couldn’t do it anymore. I am so sorry. I want you to do me one last favour, be happy. I know in a time like this that seems impossible, just know I’m looking over you from above. Make mistakes, learn from them, if no one is laughing with you, know that I am. Make people love you, make new friends, do whatever you have to do, but smile more often, you have a beautiful smile. Go to University, be happy, live life to its fullest, live your life as if I am right next to you, live for me, just because I’m gone, doesn’t mean I want to be forgotten. Remember me, always, but fall in love again, please don’t be afraid to fall in love, have your heart broken, I will be watching over you through the tears and the smiles. I will always love you and always watch over you. Watch over my brother for me, take him out for lunch every now and again (he loves McDonalds, but don’t always take him there), watch as he goes to Prom and as he Graduates, just watch him, let him know that no matter what, everything will be okay. Tell him I love him and I wish I could be the one watching over him.

I know your Mom is there for you right now, I know you guys are on a drive, I asked her to do this for you, I frequently talked to your Mom about this, because I know she understands. One thing you don’t know about your Mom is that she had depression as a teenager, just like me. She understands why I can no longer be there, and how now I can just watch over you all. Trust me when I say, she wanted me there, and she wanted me to stay, but also understood my decision, she is the only one who knew this was happening, and please don’t shut her out because of that.

I miss you already, the 3 years I spent with you were the best of my entire life. Please don’t think that you are the reason I chose to do this, know that YOU are the reason I stuck around so long, but like I know your Mother will tell you, the gravity in my world was just a little heavier and it finally broke me down. Understand that there is truly nothing you did wrong and nothing you could have done to change this, you are perfect and any guy will be lucky to have you.

I am so sorry. I love you so much, forever and always my princess.

Yours forever,


The author's comments:
My Boyfriend has depression, and I had a dream that he committed suicide, and left me a note quite similar to this.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 9 2013 at 6:45 pm
GreekGoddess BRONZE, Andover, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 182 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The unprepared rebel dies in the fire."

This is a very well written peice of work, you brought a lump to my throat, and tears at the "my princess". It was beautiful with the way you wove love into the writing. I loved it. You put a lot of small things in (a promiss ring, the part with your mom), but there was one part that went in that I didn't understand. You said to take his brother to lunch and he loves mcdonalds, but not to bring him to mcdonalds. That makes it a little bit confusing there. otherwise it was wonderful, great job!