Define Love | Teen Ink

Define Love

January 29, 2015
By kato_kat SILVER, Hemet, California
kato_kat SILVER, Hemet, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Love, four letters, one syllable, infinite meanings. What is love? The dictionary defines it as intense feeling of deep affection. 2.a person or thingy that one loves. Is love concrete or is love abstract? Where is love found? Is love truly forever? Who or what makes you feel love? Can love be replaced? What is the difference between the love between a wife and husband than the love between a girlfriend and boyfriend? How do you know love is true. All these questions swirling around and we will never find the real definition of love. Love is to vast to define. It cannot be contained within a certain space. Love, four letters, one syllable; Define It

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