Hell Found Me | Teen Ink

Hell Found Me

May 7, 2015
By DarDar BRONZE, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
DarDar BRONZE, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

  Hell found me.
  It all happened so suddenly. There was a bright light and darkness. Fire and ashes fell out of the sky. This is nothing compared to heaven. Hell found us all and is taking us with him. Why did it come to this? What happened? It was so quick, so fast. No one saw it coming, no one and I’m just lying here staring at the darkened sky with no where to go. It can’t be. This couldn’t have happened. I swear it seemed like minutes ago the world was fine and now hell took us with him.
   It was like any other day. Children were playing and laughing their sweet laughter, the adults were smiling and going on with their business. Then, it came like lightning. No one saw it coming. No one stopped it. Why did this happen? Why? Why? What kind of person created this? Why did you do this? Why Einstein? Why? Tell me why? Not even the Army was able to stop it for it was too late. A plane flew over the beautiful city of Chicago when it dropped it. What happened to this beautiful city? What happened to this beautiful country? Tell me, why? The plane dropped it and flew away, far away. It kept falling and falling until it would touch the ground and reveal itself. There were no sirens to warn the people. There was not a single person that was able to hide in time for when people soon realized the truth, there was no where to go.
   There it was. The moment we were waiting for. A large mushroom cloud erupted from the ground and spread through the air. Smoke and fire fell out of the sky onto the earth. A tsunami moved swiftly away from the explosion towards the world ahead of it. Nothing stood a chance against it. Nothing. Buildings were thrown back and people turned into ashes. The sweet childish laughter was nothing but a pile of ashes and shadows on the remaining ruins. There was nothing left behind but smoke and fire.
   What about me? I was in an area that would protect me, but not let me live long. The tsunami threw me back and all of the buildings and vehicles with me. Everything is destroyed. There is no sunlight. Oh! How much I'd want to see the sun again! Now I lie here on this cracked pavement and stare at the sky. The darkened sky with ashes and fire falling out of it. The pain. Oh, the pain! There is nothing that would soothe the burned flesh of my body. Nothing! There is no cure for this! The desire for water is high, but there is no water in sight. Not a single drop would soothe my burning throat. There is no chance of survival. I only have a few seconds left of my life.
   Why did this happen? Why? How did it come to this?! Who started this terrible war? World War III had begun and now they use nuclear weapons! The prediction of humanities end has come true. Humanity will destroy itself. Hence I started this war. I started this war that would destroy humanity as we speak. We can all blame ourselves for this sin. We all are to blame for this cause! There is no turning back. We can't fix it, can we? The human race has come to an end and we can only blame ourselves for this.
   Hell found us.

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This article has 2 comments.

DarDar BRONZE said...
on May. 14 2015 at 8:26 pm
DarDar BRONZE, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

DarDar BRONZE said...
on May. 14 2015 at 8:09 pm
DarDar BRONZE, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments
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