Planet X | Teen Ink

Planet X

May 28, 2015
By PennKingsmanHalie BRONZE, Granger, Indiana
PennKingsmanHalie BRONZE, Granger, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Trust the fire within

Earth is dying, society is dying, and the government’s falling. The human race is getting killed off, soon no one will be left. It is in this dark hour the United States government decides to use the little power it still has over the 30 remaining states to draft every person from ages 19-50 and send them into space. One man and one woman are each pulled from their families, their homes, and the only world they’ve ever known. All in an attempt to save what’s left of the human population. There they will search for a habitable planet for the earth to travel to. Many will die, some from starvation, some from rocket failures, and many human error and lack of training. Actually most never return from the designated planet.

My heart pounds in my ears as the rocket engine starts up. Terry, my partner winces and grips my hand super tight. He told me he has a fear of heights, and this was the worst part for that particular fear. Of course there are other things to be scared of: Rocket failure, shortage of oxygen or food, dying on the surface of the Planet X. We were practically test dummies for space travel to this unknown planet. Death was common among these trips, at least we assume death is. The moral of this story is many don’t return to their suburban homes in this apocalypse.
Who knew what was up there waiting for us? I keep my thoughts to myself as not to scare Terry who looked ready to jump out of his skin. Despite the trail of goosebumps making their way up my arm, there is no turning back now. “Diane, how are you not scared? We may not come back”
“Simple really. Since I’m unmarried and the only child of deceased parents, I have no family on Earth. Therefore I am ok with laying my life on the line for this job.” My rational words don’t seem to break through Terry’s deep love for his wife and children.
He’s a family man, but only thing is that he was drafted like me. Oxygen is becoming more scarce on Earth. It’s nearly impossible to plant crops without the severe winter killing them. Our flustered government decided to start drafting people for space travel. Almost like the army, except we are sent to a new planet and death seemed more likely. Our purpose is to test this planet is habitable. So Terry said his final goodbyes long ago.
After months of solitary training we were finally launched. I couldn’t wait to get this over with. Usually only one person would be sent, but due to recent studies about single astronauts going insane from lack of companionship we are now sent with a partner. Today was our first time meeting. “Someone is bound to miss you if you die!” It is now obvious the two month trip to Planet X will not be spent in silence. It’s not like I wanted the entire trip to be quite, that’s just not humanly possible. I would just rather focus on having us leave the atmosphere in one piece. Terry refuses to be ignored despite the rumble of the engine.
“Not really I have no connections back home so no one will miss me.” I once again express the idea that a person can actually be alone in the world. If only he could understand that. We break the Earth’s atmosphere and I undo my seatbelt. “I have always wanted to do this!”
Due to the lack of gravity, I float out of my seat. Swimming in air, weightless. Terry unbuckles himself as well. “This is so cool!”
Together we float around the small spacecraft. Forgetting the dangers that could possibly be waiting for us. However the fun of no gravity could not overweight my fear of an inevitable demise. I seal my emotions away and focus on the sliver of a silver lining we have left.

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