Kingdom of Elements | Teen Ink

Kingdom of Elements

May 28, 2015
By PennKingsmanHalie BRONZE, Granger, Indiana
PennKingsmanHalie BRONZE, Granger, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Trust the fire within

Long ago in ancient kingdom of Quarious, there was a king and queen with their six daughters. Each daughter ruled over one section of the land, it was divided based on the powers wielded by all of the subjects living there. The people of the kingdom were not ordinary, for they had special skills and could wield elements. One princess ruled each element section. As time passed each princess mastered one elemental power, they were to watch over and rule those wielders too; Princess Rae of the conjurers (magic), Princess Adalera of the sonicera (Air), Princess Terra of the theurgists (earth), Princess Scarlet or the pyromancers (fire), Princess Serene of the aquaiua (water), and Princess Winter of the thaumaturges (Ice). Each live in peace and harmony with each other. Until the eldest princess’, Rae, coronation, an assassin tried to destroy her. Fearful for their daughter’s life they wiped her memory and whisked her off into the human world, where they all die and are reborn again, until the princess proves to be powerful enough to wipe out the dakrness overtaking the land of Quarious.

I remember the old tale to well; a day that lives in infamy as the worst day for the Kingdom of Quarious. Conjurers have disappeared from the land, now no one knew of that talent anymore. I close the icy book cover and slide it back onto the shelf, hoping it won’t shatter the other ice encrusted books.
Loud cheers ring from outside my kingdom’s limits. My sister’s wind carries it’s joyous tune throughout the cold and barren Ice Kingdom. Not one of my many sisters know the pain of being the lonely Princess of Snow and Ice. Except maybe Rae…. but she’s been gone for years.
A loud bang echos through my icy castle. I throw my hand up towards the sky and snow flurries whip the door open. “Who dares to disturb the Princess of ice wielders?” My voice strong and confident, but really I didn’t wish to see anybody at this time.
The royal messenger shrinks back and guards his face from my ice. “I bring a message from the King and Queen.”
“That’s impossible! They’re in the human realm with Princess Rae.” As the youngest of six, I never really meant much to the other, nor did I really know Rae. Ever since her attack, my parents whisked her off to the human world to keep her safe from a mysterious dark force. They wouldn’t dare risk Rae’s life again if another assassin is sent.
The messenger still cowers in my presence. I guess my sisters were more welcoming. “My princess, they’re back.”
With the snap of my fingers my royal reindeer appears out of the meer snow that drifts through my windows. “Take me to the main castle.” I demand as I mount the winter animal.
In the middle of all of the kingdoms lies a massive castle where my parents used to stay. Now for the first time in 2000 years it will be put to use. My feeble messenger leads my reindeer into the castle. Inside await my four other sisters. Adalera, the Princess of air, stays mounted on her griffin and smiles gently at me. Terra, the Princess of Earth, strokes her horse as strange flowers sprout at her feet. Scarlet, the Princess of fire, tries to calm the dragon she rode from her pits. Serene, the Princess of water, dries of her hair from the swim from her kingdom. Still only Adalera smiles at me. “Winter! I’m so glad you could make it to our dear sister’s glorious return.”
Rae and Adalera had always been close. The more I think about it she was crushed when Rae vanished.
Bugles shatter my thoughts and my parents enter the room. This is the first time I’ve seen them in two thousand years. My father stands tall with my mother clinging to his arm. Both smile as if they’ve done us no wrong by leaving us to manage the five remaining kingdoms. Yes five, since Princess Rae disappeared, sadly the magic wielders had disbanded and vanished like their princess.
A question flows through my head, and rages like a blizzard. Why come back now? From it sprouted many other questions. Had Rae grown in her magical abilities? Is she ready to push back the dark forces consuming our lands?
“Our beautiful children After two thousand years, and many different lives we lived in the human world. Princess Raven has finally realized who she is. So now we are here.” My father motions us to looks at the grand staircase to upstairs. “I present, your lovely sister, Princess Raven!”
At the top of the staircase is a young girl, she looks younger than I remember her being. Rae’s dark brown eyes move frantically from our parents to the crowd. Does she not remember anyone? Rae starts to descend down the flight of crystal stairs and scratches her elbow in the renaissance style dress selected for her, it was fit for a princess; it was fit for Rae. That’s when I notice other things that were off about this Rae. She no longer had long black curls, but a short and sleek pixie cut hairstyle. Her confidence was shut away as she tried to hide her face behind a few strands of hair. This was not the Rae we remembered.

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