Counselor Michael | Teen Ink

Counselor Michael

September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

Counselor Michael

      Ivan, Robert, and Josh are eating at Ivan's house. Ivan's mother reminded them that there was a summer camp for free. All you must do is participate in activities. Ivan's mother said that everyone was just dawdling around the house all day. The group of friends look at each other and nod at each other. Ivan's mother said that it "starts tomorrow morning; a bus will come to pick you all up." It took them two hours to get to the summer camp called "Woodland Camp". A person was waiting at the entrance he was tall and white and also bold with heavy eye bags as soon as all the buses parked there were about 300 kids at the main entrance. Ivan, Robert, and Josh stepped outside, and the man started to introduce himself as counselor Michael the owner of woodland camp saying that "Woodland camp is such a beautiful place for young people not to know." After, that speech a co-worker came outside and whisper to counselor Michael about something but the counselor didn't look happy about it Ivan look confused because his bible that he brought from home was starting to decay Ivan look confused but decided to ignore it since the counselor Michael address everyone to head inside since is hot. When every kid entered the camp everyone was amazed by how big the camp was and the counselor was being tourist by showing us around the camp like the kitchen responsibilities like cleaning and help make food also with other responsibilities like the restroom floors and cleaning the toilet. After all this, task issue counselor Michael said that "Everyone is going to go camp outside by the woods tomorrow in the morning." Ivan and Josh, Robert decided to go clean up the restroom and the kitchen after doing all their tasks they decided to go eat at the kitchen table. After eating they decided to go to bed early as soon as Josh was about to go to sleep, he heard something loud and something screeching the floor as well josh decided to step out of his door and peak through, the hallway he saw counselor Michael dragging something with a plastic trash bag. After, seeing that Josh was sick by the smell and went to knock at Ivan's door and Robert's door as well Ivan responded with "It was probably trash or dead animal besides is in the middle of the night go to bed" Robert agreed with Ivan. At the same time Josh agreed with them since it was late and it probably wasn't a big deal. In the morning counselor Michael said "That unfornutated one of my co-workers will not participated in this camp anymore for his behavior." Once counselor Michael said that Josh felt sick he thought about the plastic bag being dragged after feeling sick counselor Michael started talking in the microphone by saying "Are y'all ready to go camping outside!" Ivan looked around and no one looked excited to go to camp after the counselor's speech he told us to go follow him to the location where everyone is going to camp at. Everyone started to head towards the camp site Ivan was uneasy by the insects and mosquitos and the hot weather. Once they reached the location the place was surrounded by a bunch of trees counselor Michael orders Ivan, Robert, and Josh to set up the tents and counselor Michael orders the other kids to either set up the food and supplies or get logs in order to start up the fire. Meanwhile Ivan was setting up the tents Ivan had a feeling to go pee he went to find a tree that is isolated in order to have privacy but as soon as Ivan was about to go pee he saw counselor Michael talking to himself really fast like he was capricious. Ivan was scared but he was hiding behind a tree making sure the counselor didn't look towards his direction but he decided to peak again because he didn't hear counselor Michael talking anymore but the counselor was looking towards Ivan's direction luckily Ivan reacted fast and stood still and concentrated on his breathing making sure the counselor didn't see Ivan Michael was suspicious but decided to ignored because he thought it was just an animal Ivan stood still while seeing counselor Michael walk past him and seeing him walk back towards the campus. After, this happened Ivan went back to the tents and went to go look for Josh and Robert to tell them about the situation Ivan was just at Josh said that he knew he was weird and had something going on with him. Robert still doesn't believe that counselor Michael is weird but since both of his friends are agreeing with each other Robert just went with it. After, Josh hearing about Ivan's situation Josh said that he has a plan to go back to campus and search for secrets that counselor Michael is hiding. Ivan and Robert both ask Josh "How are we going to do such thing"

Josh replied with "First we're going sneak in to the campus in the middle of the night when the fire goes out we leave and we place a piece of wood under our covers after, that we head towards the campus once we reach the campus we know is going to be lock so Robert is going to knock at the door and ask a co-worker that we forgot you're cover in your dorm once the co-worker opens the door Ivan and Robert y’all sneak in when the door closes and once the co-worker escorts me out of the campus y'all open the door for me afterwards." Ivan and Robert agreed with the plan but before they do this plan first they're going to eat first and sleep early until 11 pm. Before, going to bed Ivan was having a bad feeling about this since his bible was decaying except for this one page (Luke 11:23) talking about an unclean spirit from demon possession so this made Ivan to bring the page with him. It reached 11 pm Ivan, Robert, Josh all got out of their tents and looked at each other and nod at one another then started to head towards the campus after 20 minutes of walking Josh went to the door from the back and knocked it was going according to plan but the Josh realized that the door was already open Josh, Ivan, Robert were confused and suspicious. They still went inside either way once they're inside their mission is to find something weird or out of place Ivan went to go check upstairs and Robert went to go check the basement and Josh went to go checkup the main lobby. Ivan came across counselor Michael office just to see him in his office reading a old book while whispering Ivan saw that weird and decided to head to the main lobby to warn Josh that counselor Michael is at this office, but before saying that Robert said that he found something so they headed towards the basement and follow Robert. Once they got there they saw a door with an elevator inside with a bunch of buttons they clicked on the button that ascended downwards. Once they arrived on the floor they saw a room that should be furtive at all times there were dead bodies with a bunch of satanic rituals meanwhile seeing all this. This made Robert and Ivan barf but this made Josh throw up from such disgusted scene also the friend group were just twelve year old this made them pull an alarm switch closing the elevator door behind them and giving a notification to counselor Michael that someone is intruding the place counselor Michael starts to go down to the basement immediately. Ivan, Robert and Josh went to another room just to find another ritual circle with no bodies but just to find counselor Michael coming from another door and seeing Ivan, Robert, Josh standing there after counselor Michael started sprouting " Why are you here. Why! Why!" Josh responded with I knew you were doing something disgusting" Michael started to laugh maniacally and just started to say words out of a book. Ivan remembers that book when he was upstairs in Michael's office then Michael stopped talking and something was coming out of the ground since the ground was shaking it was a demon coming out the demon had black horns on his head with red eyes with sharp teeth sticking out with long nails. Michael then orders the demon by saying "Chase them down until they're dead!" Ivan and Robert, Josh started to run where the counselor Michael came from as they were running until the fourth room where there was an exit the demon caught up and scratched Robert from the back. Ivan looked back and looked down just to see the piece of paper that he brought was on the floor Ivan picks it up and starts chanting the words from the piece of paper. The demon looked in pain breaking his own horns and hitting his head on the floor Michael started to look in pain himself as well, but Ivan kept chanting the words until the demon killed himself with his own beating. Michael later was clutching his heart in pain like he's having a heart stroke, but Ivan was still chanting the words again, again until Michael gets kidnapped by the demons underground and vanishes. Ivan and Josh helped Robert get back up and bring him to the surface and called nine one the friend group just stood there watching the sun rise.

The author's comments:

I was inspire by my own experience excepted the religion stuff.

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