No more Tears | Teen Ink

No more Tears

July 25, 2013
By ernie33 BRONZE, Sharon, Massachusetts
ernie33 BRONZE, Sharon, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

No tear- I wasn't always treated like this. When Mary was still around, my parents treated both of us the same. But when Mary got sick, my mom took to drugs and my father was never there. When Mary passed away, I was the only daughter. One day when I came home from school my mother smacked me across the face and tore the book bag off my back. Then she walked me into a room, which I hadn't seen before. "You stay here for now on get your ass inside!" She pushed me down and closed the door behind her. I could hear the lock click twice but my tears and cries for forgiveness covered the sounds of the locks. I had cried for what seemed like days but which could only be hours. But soon days past, and the bucket that my mother left for me to go to the bathroom was becoming full. And the stench was becoming terrible. One day the door to the closet opened and it felt like my prayers had been answered. I ran for my life like the devil was behind me himself. But my father had caught my arm and threw me to the ground. I cried "daddy stop please!" "B**** shut up stop crying" I looked up to my mother who was laughing and smoking a cigarette. Then after they were satisfied I was thrown back into the box. It must of been months before the door opened. I had expected the worse but it was my savior. "Come with me sweetie you're safe now" a voice called out. It was a policeman coming for my rescue. As I drove away in the police car I remember all the times I cried but this time was different...I didn't shed a tear

The author's comments:
I got inspired to write this short story when my cousin and I were telling each other short stories to each other, and out of no where I came up with this off the top of my head.

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