Final Photo | Teen Ink

Final Photo

December 11, 2013
By Anonymous

The time was 5:00 pm; it was at the Baldon Insane Asylum. A photographer was entering the building. His name you might ask? Its Roald McReagan .He’s been a professional photographer for almost ten years now. He took photos for various occasions. Family photos, birthday parties, sport events, etc. It was life of luxury for him. Though living wise, he still had a typical house, hey what you expect when your weekly pay is $45 dollars per week. Well, at least he has a house with the basic necessities he needs.
Then one day, his phone rang and shortly, he picked it up.

“Hello? This is Roald McReagan speaking.”

“Yes, hi, we would like for you McReagan to come to the Baldon insane Asylum for some photographs. This is just a secret between you and us. No one must know. They’ll try to stop you.”
“Like they should be because there’s no reason why I would ever-“
“Not even for $250 bucks McReagan?”
“Well um…fine.”
“Splendid. Remember, no one must know. You’re dead if you speak to anyone. Just come down at 5:00 pm. It’ll be quick we promise. See you then McReagan.”
As he opens the door, he saw that the place has an extremely poor quality. The lights were barley on. The floors were uneven and were very filthy. Rats were not too often to spot and even some cockroaches were skittering around. Not long after, a guard walked in a spotted the photographer.
“Ah yes, I was expecting you to come in now.”
“Duh, you made the call to me like a few hours ago. Of course you were expecting me. Anyway, can we move somewhere less horrifying to continue this conversation please?”
“Yes. Beside Newman’s cell is in another floor, so yeah we had to go either way.”
“Newman? Is that the name of guy I’m taking photos of? Also, can you be kind to tell me why Newman’s in this Asylum.”
“You’re right. His name is Newman. He’s a former Geico insurance man. Probably one of the best in this town if you ask me. He’s patient, he doesn’t rush to any conclusions and has quite a decent sense of humor. I should know he got me out of an accident I never did before. The reason why he is in here is for murder on his first wife. However, he claims a demon within convinced him to murder his ex-wife. I call that phooey, yes he did kill her, but I think it was more for her cheating on him. Talk about just plain silliness. Do you honestly think people like us will believe in such a childish excuse? No. And he acts like it was true that in excuse he stated. He even gave this ‘creature’ a name, he calls it Hurston. Ok lying for a little bit is one thing. But making one up and believing in it is just sad and quit strange. Yeah you can quickly tell why Newman is in here. ”

The officer proceeds to take Roald to room 978 on the second floor, which is where Newman was staying. Once in the room, they turned on the lights and Roald saw a better glimpse of this Newman fellow. He had black hair, a nice suit on and some rather expressive eyes.



“This is Roald McReagan. He’s a professional photographer. He’s here to take some mugged shots of you for our files on you.

“Fine. Whatever, just as long as you don’t disturb my little friend.”
“What friend Newman?”
“Why Hurston of course, he lives with me.”
“Ignore him. Don’t let his Looney ness get to him.”
“For the last time officer, Hurston does exist.”
“Baloney. You don’t even have any evidence of this ‘Hurston’ fellow. So how can anyone possible take your theory seriously? You will tell us the real reason someday.”
“That’s not baloney it’s a fact, besides Hurston hates bologna. I keep telling you the truth but you refuse to believe me. WHY won’t anyone ever believe me?!”
“Newman! Relax, calm down. We don’t want to get all nasty now do we?”
“No officer.”
“Good. Roald, you may do your thing now.”
Roald then began to set up his camera for the following pictures he’ll take. The officer kindly stepped outside of the cell so Roald can work at peace. However, one of the legs of the tripod got stuck.
“Ah great. Newman, you might have to wait a few minutes. Apparently my tripod has some technical difficulties at the moment.”
Newman said nothing.
“So Newman mind telling me more about yourself? Maybe about your Ex-wife? Maybe then I might get a good reason why you might’ve you know… whisk her away.”
No reply. All Newman did was just stare at him. It gave Roald a little bit of an uncomfortable feeling but he remembered he was at an insane asylum, so it makes sense.
“Uh… Newman, you mind wanting to talk to me-“
“Oh just fix your blasted tripod so we can get this damn thing over!”
“Gheez, when did you get all impatient?”
“I’m just not in a good mood today. That’s all. Now move photo boy!”
A few minutes went by and still the tripod was stuck.
“How long does it take to fix a tripod? I mean come on now.”
“Newman I’m trying but it’s stuck pretty good. Can you at least pass the time by just telling me something about yourself?”
“’sigh’ fine. I’ll tell you why I got fired from Geico. You see, I was once one of the company’s best agents. I’d always stayed on top, worked very hard and even brought a little sense of humor. I’ve been working there since I graduated Nassau Community College. As I worked there I made some good friends out there. One of which was my later on girlfriend Rose. I meet her one the first day of the job and after a while, we’ve became friends. At first, we were sort of rivals but even then I found a little bit of fun was lying within. Needless to say, we gave our rivalry up and started dating. Not long after, we got married. It was the happiest day of my life. Not only did I have a good job but also a wife. But one day…it happened. The company had a small financial issue. Only way to solve, or at least according to them was to lay off a few employees. Sadly, I was one of them. From that day I was never the same.”
“Why so?”
“Look. That’s all you are going to get out of me. I won’t tell where Hurston came from and why Rose and I broke up only to have me kill her. Too bad. Now, get back to fixing your freakin tripod so I can tend to Hurston needs personally.”
Then, Roald heard Newman’s stomach growl. Roald thought it was nothing to be taken seriously, so he continued to fix his tripod. Two more minutes went by, and Newman began to grow impatient and his stomach suddenly made a strange sound.
“Hurston’s is getting hungry, hurry up or he’ll turn on you.”
“That’s just preposterous, Hurston doesn’t exist, and you made him up just so you can blame him for your crime!”
“Don’t tick him off. You’ll be sorry.”
“Sorry. Why? What’s your ‘friend’ going to do kill me? Hah. As if…”
“That’s your stomach right?”
“No. It’s Hurst-”
Roald then stood shock as Newman went up to him with a dagger he so greatly concealed and lunged at the petrified, scared photographer. He grabbed his camera from the tripod and jolted out as fast as he can hoping he can out run him. But it seemed like as Roald got slower and slower, Newman got faster and faster till finally Roald tripped on a wet floor leaving him open to his unfortunate doom. However, at the last minute, Roald took a picture of Newman right before he died. Most likely to get Newman off guard. Soon the police came to the bottom floor after hearing blood curdling screams of agony. Eventually they found Newman with blood all over his face and his dagger was in his hand and Roald’s face, his head for that matter was gone.
“Hurston did I swear. He got hungry and he…”
“Enough Newman. That excuse doesn’t work at all. What makes you think it will this time?”
Two officers then were told to bring Newman back to cell to be properly protected. The rest of the officers went out to find where Roald lived and break the bad news to anyone who knows him well. Meanwhile, a janitor was called in to clean up the mess Newman left. He was about to clean the floors when he saw a picture lying on the floor. The very last photo Roald had ever taken. Curious, the janitor took a look at it and was horrified at what he saw. It was Newman, but not like what he saw. His eyes were wider and the pupils were smaller. But what got to him was in his mouth. Inside it was a second pair of teeth. Could it be Hurston? Or is this just a messed up picture that probably wasn’t developed right? If it was Hurston, when de he invade Newman? How long has he been in there? And most importantly, what is Hurston?

The author's comments:
"An edit of a story I did not to long ago. It's my first attempt at a horror/thriller story. I just hope it turns out well to you all.

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