Sunny | Teen Ink


December 17, 2014
By Mari_12 BRONZE, Jonesboro, Arkansas
Mari_12 BRONZE, Jonesboro, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never give up on your dreams

 I was born to be an assassinator I had no choice, that was going to be my destiny. It was chosen way before I was even an egg. I grew up being isolated from everyone else, my father wouldn’t let anyone near me. Not even my own mother. The women who gave life to me. She was forbidden to see me. As I grew much older my father then started training me nonstop, He would drain me literally. I had no time to relax, the only breaks I got was when my father went to sleep.

   My father taught me that life was cruel, that humans were some useless beings that had no right to live. For seventeen years my father was the only person who I was familiar with. My mother… I never knew, I never even got to meet her, my dad said that she didn’t want anything to do with me and that she wanted me far away from her. I didn’t know if it was true or if he was just telling me that so I wouldn’t be able to see her. I didn’t fight though of course I wanted to meet her, see her but I wasn’t ready to.

  I was in the gym practicing my martial arts when my father walked in. I looked at him confused. What is he doing here?

  “I’m just gonna be quick don’t worry.” He said quickly disappearing into the locker rooms.
I shrug and sat down on the floor tired. I been practicing non stop. This training was driving me almost insane. My father came back.

  “You should rest.”
I looked up at him. “Its okay Im fine.” I lied I wasn't’ I felt like my whole body was about to explode. So much pain.
“No your not Sunny now come on. Go get some sleep.” My father helps me up and pushes me down the hall to my room. Eh what the heck why not? I open the door to my room and went inside. My body was sore. I needed me a hot nice bath. I smiled to myself and went to the bathroom and got ready for it.

I sat inside the tub and closed my eyes. The water was warm and it felt nice. I felt myself relax, all the tension leaving my body. I had so much on my mind. I was surprised my father let me come and rest, these few months have been tough, my fathers been preparing me for the real world. He’s prepared a mission for me. I wasn’t aware of what it was only that I have to give my all no matter what. I open my eyes and looked up at the ceiling and sighed. I knew what my father expected from me no matter what. He expected me to assassin anyone he put in front of me. I don’t know if I could do something like that. I’ve never much killed a wasp what makes him think that I’ll be able to kill a person? I closed my eyes again and fell slowly into a sudden darkness…


I woke up. I looked around me confused. I was at someones home. The house was modern and really fancy, Dang these people have the money. There was crystals everywhere and gold too. I heard footsteps coming my way. I hissed and cursed under my breath. What am I doing here? Where should I hide? I kept looking around this time for a place to hide. There was nowhere to hide. I started panicking. No Sun Don’t panic just confront whoever is coming and tell them you have no clue whats going on. I snorted. Oh yeah good one Sun like there gonna believe you. I sighed and turned around trying to get this over with.

I looked up and was taken aback. It was a boy my age and he was handsome too. His hair was black and shiny, and his eyes were dark like werewolf eyes. His features were like an angel. I stared dumbstruck. I shook my head trying to break the spell. He was tall, thin and muscular. He looked at me… or well through me. I followed his gaze, he was staring outside. I sighed in relief.

“Wait huh?” I turned back to him, I got in front of him and waved my hands in front of him. I poked his cheek. Nothing its like I wasn't there.

“Hey chill.” He grabbed my wrist, when he did that electric shocks went through my body. I quickly pulled away shocked. I looked down at my wrist confused. What in the world? He looked down at his hand surprised.
I looked up and he was staring at me. He smiled. “Sorry that doesn't normally happen.”
“Whats going on?” I mutter.
“I don’t know I was hoping you would know.” He smirked.
I shook my head.
“Well i’m Ash and your Sunny right?” He asked holding his hand out to shake.
I slowly nodded and just stared at his hand. I was not going to touch him. He looked down at his hand and awkwardly put it down.
“How do you know my name?” I asked.
He shrugs. “I don’t know it just came to my mind.”
I was confused. Whats going on? What’s happening to me? Suddenly everything went black and I felt myself falling. I felt arms around me shaking me. I heard Ash calling my name. But I couldn’t seem to move or respond.

Thats when I woke up. I sat up in the bathtub. I blinked and looked around me. I was still in the tub. But I was still at home and naked. I quickly got up, slipping a little, grabbed my bathrobe and put it on. I walked out of the bathroom and into my room. I sat on the edge of my bed. Ash. I shook my head. No Sun don’t think about him. He was just a dream. A dream huh? It seemed all too real. Who was he and why was he in my dream. I got up to my walk in closet and grabbed some clothes to put on. I quickly changed and left my room, walking downstairs, lost in thought.
  I was so focused that I didn’t see my older brother and accidentally bumped into him.
“Whoa girl.” Luis said watching me.
“Oh sorry.” I mutter now looking up at him.
“‘Why you so thoughtful eh? You look like you have a lot on your mind.” He said following me down the hall towards the kitchen.
“Nothing.” I lied.
He watched me carefully. “Mm okay then.” He left me alone and went outside to the back yard.
Luis was one of those people who left you alone to think. He knew right away that I had so much on my mind and that I wasn’t going to tell him anything until I could resolve whatever was bothering me. I walked into the kitchen and looked through the cabinets searching for any kind of snack. I came upon an open box of crackers, I grabbed one bag of crackers and took to the living room. I sat down on the couch and opened up the crackers and started munching on them. I looked around the room. The living room was huge with comfy sofas, one love seat, a coffee table in front of me with stacks of magazines, the huge plasma TV was on the wall. I’m surprised it hasn’t fallen to the floor with us always practicing in here too. I finished the bag of crackers and layed down on the couch. I stared up at the ceiling afraid to close my eyes. I didn’t want to see Ash in my dreams anymore. This is the first time he’s appeared but I didn’t want to see him again. He made me feel strange. An emotion that I’ve never experienced before.

  I heard my dad coming in from the front door. I sat up. Should I tell him about my dream? But what if he thought I was crazy? I bit my lip. No its best not to tell him yet. I still don’t know how it happened or why.
  “Sunny what are you doing here? I thought you were resting?” He asked as he walked into the living room and saw me. I smiled. My father and I looked almost like twins… expect that fact that I was a girl and he was a boy. His hair was black and shiny, like those soccer players have their hair these days… he said it was in fashion these days… my hair was black too but long and straight, His eyes were light green with a bit of gray in the middle same were mine, his features were sharp and angelic looking mine were just angelic looking, his was thin and muscular. I wasn’t muscular at all. I was just thin.

  “I did rest for like a little while but now I’m just ready to start anything you want me to do.” I said standing up.
He looked at me then went to sit down on the love seat facing me. He looked at me all serious.
“Well Sun we have something to talk about.” He said.
“Um okay.” I said, slowly sitting back down on the couch.
“At my meeting I met with some guys that are really interested in working with me. We talked about what I had plan on doing with you when the times gets here. Some of them don’t agree on letting you do the mission I plan to plan to give you. They think this mission is too much for you and that I should give it to one of your brothers or just do the mission myself.”

“What mission?” I asked. What is he planning exactly?
“The mission that I been wanting to give you includes you spying on this young boy about your age, I’ve have heard things about him from the council, they had called me up last week telling me that they have been hearing things about him, things that they think is really strange for a human being to be doing. They have some suspect that this young boy isn’t exactly isn’t really human at all but one of of the dogs” My father almost spat the last word. Werewolfs were something that he didn’t take nicely, sure he has some business with them but he just wants to keep peace with them only. He’s slowly starting to accept them but it's taking awhile.

I just looked at him. Me? Spying on some werewolf? Are you kidding me?
“Were not really sure that he’s actually a werewolf, the council suspects that he maybe but they don’t think he actually is. It could just be rumors that are spreading out about him.”
“But why would there be rumors about him? Do people hate him or something to actually start something like that?” I asked.
“Thats why I’m wanting to give you this mission, I want you to figure out what’s going on with this boy. Is he actually a werewolf or are they just rumors that people are spreading about him. Do you think you can do it? I’ll give you his folder, that has his personal information about him so you can know who your dealing with.” My father said, standing up.
“Hold on I’ll be right back.” He said going down the hall, turning left to the basement or office as you could call it.

Ugh what am I gonna do? What if he is a werewolf? Am I gonna be save? What if he suspects things about me? Do I kill him?

My father came back with a thick folder in his hands, he gave it to me, I took it and opened it up, Inside there was a picture of a young boy… I gasp. It was Ash. The boy that had been in my dream. Thankfully my father didn’t hear me, he was too busy talking to even notice my reaction, I recovered quickly and scanned through the folder, all the information was in my head in 5 seconds. I knew everything about him now.
  “Sun, Sun, Sunny.” My father said snapping me back to what he was saying.

“Huh?” I asked, confused.
“Are you up for this mission or not?” He asked.
I didn’t say anything right away. Should I? I bit my lip and started thinking more. I looked up at him and nodded. “Alright I’ll do it. When do I start?


I cursed under my breath. Ugh why did I ever agree on this mission. I hid behind some bushes right across Ash’s home. The night was falling, And the mosquitoes were out ready to grab a bite, I could hear a few dogs barking down the block, people next door were laughing and clinking glasses. I squatted down even lower. I yawned. I been here an hour and I don’t see anything about Ash that’s strange. All I see is him walking around his house, doing house work, nothing really suspicious. It was getting chilly but I could hardly feel the chilly air on my skin. This is worse than waiting for my next victim. I looked at the time on my phone.

  8:23 PM
I sighed. Well it seemed like I was going to be here for two more hours.

10:30 PM
I got up from my hiding spot and ran, I ran fast, So fast I was a blur to the human eye.
I kept running till I got I arrived home. I stopped and slowly walked into the house. What a waste of my time. Ash has done nothing but clean his house all day well for those two hours that I was there. I walked into the living room and saw the 5 of my brothers sitting down the carpet floor in a circle talking. My brothers honestly looked like the spit image of my father. It was scary sometimes.
“Hey Sunny!” Bobby said out loud.
“Hi Bob.” I mutter back.
“Come join us.” Luis said watching me.
I shook my head. “Nah I’m good, I’m going upstairs to my room, I’m really tired.” I said dragging myself up the stairs. I could feel their eyes on my back as I walked up the stairs. My father was no where in sight. Thank god. I don’t have to face him and tell him what I’ve found cause honestly I have found nothing suspicious about Ash. I went inside my room, took a quick shower and laid down on my bed. I closed my eyes in fell into a deep sleep…

“Sunny welcome back.” Ash said, smiling at me.
I looked at him and then looked around at my surroundings. We were in a garden, the garden was huge and breathtaking beautiful, I could hear a fountain a few feet away, birds chirping overheard, and gorgeous flowers blooming.
“Where am I?” I asked.
“Oh you're here in Neverland. Its my favorite place to be when I need some quiet time.” Ash said.
“Why do you keep appearing in my dreams?” I asked.
“Honestly Sunny I have no idea why were in each others dreams. I didn’t think you would appear again. I was kinda hoping you would and kinda hoping you wouldn’t.” He said softly.
“I don’t even know you or have met you before.” I said trying not to show any reaction so he wouldn’t know that I’m stalking him… Not that it was my choice, even if I hadn’t agreed on the mission my Father would have still made me do it. He didn’t want to look bad to the council, he always has to look good so the council does not get onto us.
“Look Sunny I didn’t ask to be here okay? Don’t think that I’m the one doing this. I didn’t know you existed until today.” He said in a voice that made me question myself if I had sounded like I was accusing him.
  It was silent for awhile, I didn’t dare look at him, I was trying to sort out my emotions and why I was feeling like this. “All I ask is for you to not be in my dreams anymore. I don’t know how we can do that but I will find a way. I don’t want you in my dreams.” I snapped irritated.
  He didn’t say anything. If I hurt his feelings I wasn’t going to feel bad. I was tired of him already and its only been a couple of minutes.

“Have you noticed that you have a very dark aura.” He said.
I looked at him surprised of the changing subject.
“How would you know…?” I mutter.
He shrugs. “I just see it around you. A very dark one too. I don’t really know what it means but I don’t like it.”
I shrug. “Hmph its probably how I am. I was born to be an assassin not an angel.” I smirked.
He looked at me then away. “Oh really? Ha how is that even possible?”
“Oh its true trust me. Anything is possible.” I said then woke up.

I slowly sat up in bed. It was already morning. I looked at my bedside table at the clock.
6:00 AM
I groan. So early. I got up anyway and went to the bathroom to wash up. I went downstairs to the kitchen and saw Luis in the kitchen making breakfast. My stomach growled.
“Someones hungry.” He laughed not turning from the stove.
I shrug and sat down on the kitchen Island facing him.
“Where were you yesterday?” He asked, flipping the pancake to the other side.
“Out.” I said, not wanting to mention Ash.

“Doing what?” He asked, trying to get more information about me.
“Ugh why all the questions Luis?” I snapped.
“Well you're my little sister and I worry about you, you know.”
I rolled my eyes now irritated. I know he cared about me, he didn’t want anything bad to happen to me but I couldn’t tell him anything about Ash. My dad wants me to find out what he is. If he’s one of the Dogs or just a strange human being. And if he’s a dog then my dad will take care of him, or much worse make me do it. I’ve killed so many werewolves, humans, anyone really and I never really felt bad about it, but now that I met Ash… Even though I hardly know much about him I didn’t think I would bring myself to kill him.

“Sun Sun Sunny!”
I looked at Luis who was staring at me. “What?”
“Did you hear what I said?” He asked.
“Say what?” I mutter, I had been so lost in thought I didn’t hear what Luis was talking about.
“Is this about that Ash guy?”
I gaped.
He nods. “I knew it.”
“How do you know?” I mutter.
“I saw the folder in your room, I wasn’t trying to be nosy, but I had been looking for you so we could practice some more martial arts. I found it on your bed and you know how curious I get so I looked at it and figured thats why you weren’t home.”
I groan.

"So that's what dads mission was going to be about. I thought it was going to be the usual thing." He said.
“What usual thing?” I asked, confused.

“Well the usual mission he puts you through, going to hunt down humans and killing them.” He said.
I just looked at him. The usual missions I took pleasure in them but now that I have something different well I didn’t really like it. It was boring and I hate having to see what Ash has to do. Its so dumb.
“He has you stalking Ash doesn't he?” He asked.

I nodded. “Its so boring having to do that. You have no idea how lame it is. Today I just went to his house and saw him clean his house all freaking day. I thought I was going to die!” I exclaimed.

Luis laughed. “I bet. But why didn’t you disagree, cancel it?”
I shook my head. “I can’t do that. The council is now counting on me and so is Father, I can’t let him down. I have to show everyone that I’m capable of doing it.”

“Sometimes I wish you didn’t have to think like that. There are times when you can’t just try to impress everyone Sun.” He said.
“I know but I just can’t back out now.” I mutter.

“Yes I know and If you could knowing you, you wouldn't dare let anyone else take the mission, but just know this Sunny, You can’t always try to impress everyone, there are times when you have to do you.” He explained, probably trying to confess me not to keep ahead on the mission. But even though I’m tired of it, I can’t let my Father down, How would the council react? They would think that my Father is irresponsible and that his only daughter is a useless little brat.

Luis stared at me shaking his head, reading my thoughts. “See?” He cursed under his breath. “Too late.” He handed me a plate of pancakes.

I grimaced. I guess he’s right but I’m too stubborn to admit it. All my life I grew up impressing my Father, caring about what he thinks about me, always wanting to make him proud.

I dug into the pancakes.

“Whoa calm down.” Luis said, watching me eat.

I gave him a cheesy smile. I didn’t eat last night or the night before. I been stressing out too much but now that my Father has given me my mission I can eat peacefully. I lost myself in my thoughts. What's going to happen now? Luis is right I can’t keep trying to impress or make my Father proud but what can I do? I’m so use to do it that there’s no stopping me now. Whatever he wants me to do, I’ll do it no questions asked. I just hope that whatever I’m doing right now is right but deep inside I have a feeling that this is gonna turn out to be worse than expected. My whole life was gonna go downhill and that one day I would have to go against my Father….

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