Halloween Night | Teen Ink

Halloween Night

October 14, 2016
By Gaby17 BRONZE, Clarion, Iowa
Gaby17 BRONZE, Clarion, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

       I heard screaming coming from the end of the hall way. I ran as fast as I can, then I noticed there was blood all over the wall. I was screaming for Ashley, she never answered. As soon as I reached the end of the hallway, there she was laying on the ground, covered in blood, she had been murdered.
          (4 hours earlier) It was Halloween night, everyone was going to Drake’s Halloween party tonight. Ashley came over about an hour and a half earlier so we could get ready together. We were putting on our Halloween make up on, when her phone started ringing, it was her boyfriend Jake, she answered, I could hear him yelling through the phone. After 20 mins she came back into the room,she told me she couldn't go to the party anymore, when I asked why she said Jake wasn't going to let her go. I told her not to listen to him, and just to go to the party with me so we could have one fun night. She said I wish I could, but I can't I'm sorry.
          After Ashley went home, I continued on getting ready, as soon I was done I left and went to the party. About an hour and a half after the party had started, Ashley had shown up.  She told me after she had gotten home jake had called her and picked another fight with her, she said she was fed up with him and his stupid arguments, so she ended it with him. I was happy for her, for the past 3 months she hasn't been able to do anything without Jake getting mad at her.
           Ashley said she was going to go get us some more punch. It had been 25 minutes, and she still hasn't came back. I went looking for her all around the house, she was nowhere to be found. I asked some people if they had seen her, someone said she had ran out of the house crying and ran into the abandoned house next door. As soon as I heard that she had left, I went looking for her in the abandoned house. 
          I was yelling her name as I ran down the block. I reached the abandoned house, it was creepy looking from the outside, but I don't know maybe it was pretty cool I the inside, and that's when I went in. I looked around before I started looking for Ashley. There were some cool things around the house, little knickknacks, there was a bunch of clocks on the walls, I don't think they worked though, you couldn't hear them tick. After about 5 minutes of exploring the house, I headed upstairs to see if she was up there. I said her name loudly a couple of times, and still nothing. So I continued to look around. After about 20 minutes, I heard Ashley screaming “please no, I'm sorry!” and she screamed again. I ran as quickly as I could to the end of the hall when I noticed the blood on the walls, there she was on the ground, she had been murdered.
          The cops and ambulances surrounded the block, I couldn't believe it. My best friend, was getting carried out of a abandoned house in a body bag. I didn't want my last time that I saw her to be where she was dead, and blood everywhere. At her funeral, all her friends were there, the whole cheerleading squad, that was the only time I had seen them out of their uniforms. I don't know how many times I cried that day, let alone after that. it was lonely walking home alone from school everyday, getting ready for party, which rarely anyone had anymore, because they didn't want anyone else to get murdered.
          ( 2 years after Ashley had been killed) No one had been charged with the murder of Ashley, which I think is so stupid, that was my best friend, someone should deserve to rot in a  jail cell for the rest of their miserable life.
          It was Halloween night, 2 years after her murder, I needed to let go of her, be happy, and not be scared anymore. I went to Drake’s annual Halloween party. It was all fun, until it all started again, but this time, it came from upstairs of Drake’s house.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this story was because i love Halloween, and it's my favorite holiday. I like reading or watching scary things, and so I tried to write one. And I like the way it turned out.

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