Mrs. Jane Keeports | Teen Ink

Mrs. Jane Keeports

January 13, 2020
By jillianschuler BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
jillianschuler BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I think my 8th grade teacher Mrs. Keeports is the best candidate for Educator of the Year. She was one of the best teachers I’ve ever had. She was super nice to everyone, a great teacher, and always willing to help. The way she taught made her material easy to understand and fun. Especially when she would relate our lessons to real life situations. My 8th grade year wasn’t always the easiest, but she definitely helped me through it the best way she could. 

Mrs. Keeports’ class was always what I looked forward to during my school days. Being in her class never failed to make my day better, like when she would always have something to say to keep us positive and motivated. She always made sure everyone understood and knew what they were doing. We always had to write cursive in her class. When we did that, I really enjoyed it and now I’m really good at it. She had such great patience, and she molded me into the student I am today.

Mrs. Keeports was always willing to help at all times. She helped me academically when I wasn’t always doing my very best by taking time to explain things further to me individually. She not only helped me with school, but she helped me with some personal issues too. I came to school upset one day; she took it upon herself to make sure I was alright. It’s circumstances like those, and teachers like her, that can help to make a student thrive. I felt comfortable expressing myself academically and emotionally with the help of Mrs. Keeports.

She was always enthusiastic in what she is teaching. To me, this made learning in her class more enjoyable. Because she was always passionate, it made the subject more interesting. The activities we did in class were engaging and really helped me grasp the subject to a higher extent. Her ability to explain things in a methodical and organized manner assisted me in retaining the information better. This definitely made test taking much easier and the transition to high school not so difficult.

Mrs. Keeports definitely deserves Educator of the Year. She is super easy to talk to and is overall just a great person. I’m very thankful to have been a part of her class. She did have some high expectations of everyone, but I feel like that’s what pushed me to accomplish what I did. I know Mrs. Keeports was one of my most favorite teachers. I’m sure she not only influenced students in my class, but classes before and many classes to come.

The author's comments:

My name is Jillian and I am a freshman at Delaware Military Academy. I am nominating my 8th grade English teacher, Mrs. Keeports.

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