Arrowhead’s Big Band Trip Rapidly Approaching | Teen Ink

Arrowhead’s Big Band Trip Rapidly Approaching

May 20, 2013
By jennawalters GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
jennawalters GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The big band trip is coming right around the bend, and members of band like, sophomore, Sam Sheperd, are excited for the trip. The trip is from February 21st to February 24th.

Sheperd says that the trip is to Disney World in Orlando, Florida. She says the entire band is taking a plane to get there. Sheperd says the trip is over $1,000 for each member. All band members are flying in a plane down to Florida too.

Sheperd says the band is performing at Disney World and is also going to be able to watch other schools perform.

She says, apart from performing, the band will get to visit all the parks, ride park rides, stay at a nice hotel, and watch many other performances at Disney.

Sheperd says she doesn’t necessarily enjoy band but she is excited for the trip and is ready to show off her talent. She is a flutist. She says she is excited to visit Florida with a bunch of her friends and just have a good time.

Sheperd says she’s most excited for riding the ride Rocking Rollercoaster and getting to visit Florida and have 80 degree days rather than snow. She says she has visited Disney before, but just with family. She says she’s super excited to go with friends and have a stress free vacation.

“Experiencing Disney World with friends will be a great experience and getting to incorporate music in the experience will make it even better,” says Sheperd.

“The band trip is a fun thing that all band members are looking forward too,” Sheperd says.

She is looking forward to a fun filled week and wishes all fellow band members good luck on playing at Disney.


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