Who Am I? | Teen Ink

Who Am I?

March 31, 2013
By dreamerangel SILVER, Valrico, Florida
dreamerangel SILVER, Valrico, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A wizard is never late he arrives precisely when he means to

I am you, but you are not me. So then who am I?
You see me every day, and I tell you how beautiful you are, but you just ignore me. Instead you convince yourself that you need to fix yourself. You're never happy.
You ignore what our Father tells you. Especially whenever you choose to read His letters you choose to ignore the message on how important you are to Him. You convince yourself that you're not good enough.
Boys have complimented on how pretty you are, but you just put on that fake smile, and ignore the compliment.
Why do you ignore me? When you where little you used to be so happy. You would look at me everyday, and believe that you where His princess. Then you grew up, and stopped believing. Were did you go?
I am you, but you are not me. So then who am I?

The author's comments:
Never stop believing. Have faith that you truly are His princess. He never gave up on you, so don't you give up on Him.

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