Everyone Sees (Part One) | Teen Ink

Everyone Sees (Part One)

November 26, 2018
By uKNoWn_hUMAn_bEinG, Chesapeake, Virginia
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uKNoWn_hUMAn_bEinG, Chesapeake, Virginia
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Favorite Quote:
"She turned her can'ts into cans, and her dreams into plans"
I do not honestly understand why I like this quote so much. TBH, it really just inspires me to be the best I can truly be.

Author's note:

My name is Alexis, I'm 13 years old. I have been a longtime writer, but this is my first piece that I am exposing.

The author's comments:

Thx for reading, I hope u enjoyed!

~Alexis E. 

Josh's POV:
I'm always in detention...
Mainly because I'm a basketball player, and I forget to do homework, or, I'm just too lazy or tired to do it.
I don't like detention.
Only, today, I do.
Today, it'll be easier.... Because she'll be there.
Maybe I'll be able to sit next to her.
Everyone's mad at me.
I'm supposed to like Darby, because she's supposedly hot, and she's a cheerleader. But, I don't like Darby.
I like her.
Stella's POV:
I'm only in Detention for the volunteer hours... I help the teachers.
I heard that she got detention.
I hope she sees me.
I hope we can be friends, so that I can finally be someone.
I hope she doesn't remember that I'm that gymnast that failed.
Astrid's POV:
Gee, why is a cheerleader in detention?
Oh, I don't know....
Perhaps it's because I yelled to loudly in the cafeteria.
Why was I yelling in the cafeteria?
Because Louise was wrong, she's not the best cheerleader, if she was she would've been chosen as captain.
But she wasn't chosen as captain... I was.
I wish I didn't have detention today, because today, Quinn has it.
And Josh has it everyday, so naturally, he's bound to be excited because the girl he likes is gonna be in detention with him.
Quinn's POV:
I don't get why it's a big deal, I mean, it's just detention, right?
Today, Darby's going to be in detention, and so is Josh.
Yay me! They're going to be all over each other, and I'm probably going to be glaring across the room.
Josh gave into the peer pressure of dating Darby, at least, that what is rumoured... He shoulda stood up for himself, but he didn't.

Josh's POV
I open the door slowly, and the teacher greets me with a tight smile,
"Ah, Mr. Anderson, back again are we," I nod, "well, why don't you have a seat next to Miss Gram?"
I look to where she was pointing.
Crap.... She's here.... At least I know her last name... Right?
I approach Gram.
"Hey, I'm Josh, and you are...." I trail off, hoping she replies.
Stella's POV
Oh my gosh! Josh Anderson just asked Quincy what her name was!
I think that he likes her, judging by how shy he's acting.
Astrid's POV
I'm so mad right now...
Josh is supposed to like ME, not my BEST FRIEND.
And there he is flirting with Quinn.
God my life sucks, my supposed to be boyfriend is flirting with my best friend.
Quinn's POV
"Hey I'm Josh, and you are...." He says, casually asking for my name.
I shiver, "uh, my name's Quincy," I mutter.
"Okay? Uh, Quincy, is it okay with you if I sit here?" He says, almost acting like I just rejected him.
"Yeah, yeah, it's fine, yeah, yeah." I quickly recover.
He smiles, not a fake smile, but a genuine one, and takes a seat.
Anderson begins drumming his fingers on the desk... For awhile, and it's starting to get on my nerves.
"Dude!" I say, rather loudly.
"Um, are you talking to me?" Anderson says smiling weakly.
I feel my face flush, "um, yeah, sorry, that can out rude, could you please like, not drum you fingers on the desk?"
"Oh, yeah, sorry," he mutters, his own face turning red.
Astrid's POV
My God! Now they're actually blushing together! Like what the hell? I'm gonna have to talk to Quinn after detention, because this is not cool.
She knows I like Josh.
But, I know that Josh doesn't like me.... He likes her.
Stella's POV
That was such a cute moment! They had a short convo, in which ended with them both looking away and blushing.

Joshua's POV

I have to admit, that was kinda awkward...

But, the hour's up.

"Hey, Quincy?" I tap her on the shoulder.

She pulls out her earbuds, and closes her book.

"Yeah?" she says.

"Um-well, the hour's up, we can leave now.

"Oh, thanks, Anderson."

"Um-" I start, but she cuts me off, her face turning red.

"I know, your name's Josh, but I tend to call people by their last name.... So yeah." she mutters.

"Oh, okay then." I reply, otherwise unsure of what to say,

She packs up her stuff, slings he backpack over her shoulder, and proceeds to exit the classroom.

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