Our Eclipse | Teen Ink

Our Eclipse

August 4, 2023
By megha_p BRONZE, Media, Pennsylvania
megha_p BRONZE, Media, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Placed on the table lies a book,

With stories and words, I’ve never read before 

Flying through the breeze

A pink paper butterfly 

Yearning for eternity 

Where candles never die

Though I was the moon

The nights were still cold

My sun had warmed me, through it all

The two of us had met

Sun and Moon

An eclipse had happened oceans apart

I felt again 

As if you were the one

It felt perfect 

Though I am still fearful

Of what comes next 

I keep thinking

Maybe we were never meant to be

Wind and Candle

Sun and Moon

It’s as if the universe has different plans

Always looking to push us apart

I want to stay by your side day and night

Incessantly and endlessly

But I know it will work out someday

It has to, for our sake

And in the end, I want to say

Now we live the dream 

We have always wanted 

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