Guns Should be Controlled | Teen Ink

Guns Should be Controlled

January 8, 2014
By Dagmawi BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Dagmawi BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
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News Reporter: “On December 14, 2012, 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot twenty children and six adult staff members in a mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School in the village of Sandy Hook in Newtown, Connecticut. Before driving to the school, Lanza shot and killed his mother Nancy at their New Town home. As first responders arrived, he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. It was the second deadliest mass shooting by a single person in American history, after the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre Tech, and the second deadliest mass murder at a U.S. elementary school, after the 1927 Bath School bombings in Michigan.” This is the kind of news that you hear each year.

These days over 3,000 children are getting killed and 17,500 injured by guns every year in the USA. For example, if we start from the recent one the shooting at Winter Garden, Florida December 4 , 2013, Centennial, Colorado December 13, 2013, Fresno, California December 19, 2013 and so on.

Some people might say criminals don’t always use guns like the stabbing that was committed in Taxes School one teen dead and 3 injured, but during these crimes, many people don't die like the crime that are committed with guns and that is why we need gun control laws.

Rising awareness within society plays an important role because these days public places, especially, schools are targeted for such kinds of violence. In order to save the lives of the new generation and make it happen less, all members of the society are responsible for fighting against gun violence in the community. For example, after the attack on Newtown Elementary School, Cambridge Public Schools has begun lock down drill programs for the students, so they learn how to protect themselves from gun violence. But that is not enough because the killer might have learned this kind of things as a child, so this lock down drill might not help as much as everybody hoped if guns are going to be easy to get.

Getting a gun is pretty easy for adults even though they are mentally ill. As a first step to reduce the gun owners, the government should be charging them more and more and more taxes. Daniel Webster, professor and director of the Center for Gun Policy and Research at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, told a March 15 National Press Club Newsmaker that the government should do a background checks for every gun purchase. Increasing the tax money on the gun owners and sellers is a very good way of minimizing violence. As we know guns without bullets are nothing. Why is not the government charge more taxes on the bullets? People won't buy them because they have other things to worry about like foods, clothes, and shelters.

More guns are sold these days more than ever. Obviously.

More people are killed these days more than ever. Fact
More children and adults are getting killed more than ever. Known
Guns do not protect your family or community, but actually increases crimes. If a family wants to protect themselves and their properties, guns are not the one it protects them. The answer is gun control. It helps to minimize crimes like school shootings and robberies. It also will make people feel more secure.


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