Is Social Networking Creating Problems? | Teen Ink

Is Social Networking Creating Problems?

February 26, 2014
By NatalieM SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
NatalieM SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do you believe in love at first sight...? Or should I walk by you again?"

47% of adult Americans have some kind of social networking. But using a social networking site isn't always a good thing. The things seen or hear could leave one in a bad position. It might be funny to the one who wrote it, but sarcasm can’t be heard from a computer. So social networking is just as bad as an R rated movie. That includes the information that’s place, how that can harm others on one of the sites and the effects it can have on people.

Most people know that when something is put on the internet, it will can never come off. The information someone posts is like a lightning bolt, one minute it’s not there, and the next, everyone can see it. Also, some information could be false. For example, Sam Laird on October 30th, 2012 stated that there were false rumors of fires, shootouts, and caravans of gunmen in a Mexico City suburb. That caused people to panic, schools close, and 3,000 calls to the local police department. But, that is only one of the many different false informations on a social networking site. Another item is that people can figure out private things. The site might say it’s safe and protected, but sometimes something slips and someone gets the private information. Then they could do anything to harm that person.

One harmful way, that is most common on social networking sites, is cyberbullying. It happens all the time and it’s hard to make it stop. Internet Safety 101 states that 43% of teens, report that they have been cyberbullied in the past year. They also say that the internet is like a playground with, no off-hours. Meaning that playgrounds are supposed to be fun, but then bullying or cyberbullying comes in. Then there are the pictures that could be uploaded. Most of them aren’t pretty, but people don’t think about what might happen. There are also criminals who use social sites to commit or promote crimes. The criminals get the information from pictures or posts that someone has put up. That could have some effects on people.

An effect on a person that is correlated with social networking is personality and/or brain disorders. It is said that Pathological Internet Use is associated with feelings of loneliness, depression, anxiety, and general distress. That’s not saying everyone with a social networking site has issues, but that’s what people think. Another effect is the lack of conversation or face-to-face interacting. The percentage of no face-to-face time in homes, rose 8% in 2000 to 34% in 2011, says the Center for the Digital Future. UCLA study revealed that web users had altered prefrontal cortexes, because social networking sites would rewire the brain with repeated exposures. That could lead to someone having a self-centered personality.

So, social networking is just as bad as an R rated movie. The things seen or posted could put others in harms way. Some private information could slip and someone else could get it. There are 47% of American adults that use social networking sites and an abundance of teens. Once something is posted,m it can’t come off. If it’s not something people should see, then it shouldn't be on the internet. The safest thing to do, is just not be a part of a social networking site. That will make people safer and hopefully the world too.

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