Enjoy the Little Things | Teen Ink

Enjoy the Little Things

December 14, 2014
By Anonymous

Sometimes we take things for granted we get so caught up in the chaos of daily life that sometimes we forget just sit and enjoy the little things life has to offer. Every second of every day is precious yet we don't relies it until its to late, we only have so much time until our visas expire and we move on to something bigger and better. There is so much hate and violence in the world that we would all be better off without. We have fought one to many wars and shed so much blood but for what?
  So many people strive to change a world that is so broken yet no matter how much effort is put in nothing ever seems to change. Yet we all seem to have faith, faith that someday someone will impact people in such a detrimental way that the world would become somewhat a better place.
  We all hope and wish for people to treat others with kindness, or have compassion for people who are needy but yet half of you are just talk, most are found standing on the sideline like a shadow saying and doing nothing.
  We are the new generation, we are young, smart, and have all the resources necessary to guide us but we rather waste our talents sitting like mindless zombies playing video games or surfing social media that we forget about the world around us.
  If at least one of our youth would put the phone down long enough to observe things and read a book who knows what vast opportunities lay on the road ahead.
  So just think that before you go spreading hate, lies, slander, and racism that that passion and energy can be used by one person to make a difference.
  There is an old quote that really inspires me it goes " There will come a time wether in this life or those that follow, when you have reached the point where you have no desire to do this or that but only be. You no longer judge the harlot, the murderer, the thief. You no longer desire to curse or listen to the warning country for its deeds. You will have been all of these things and you will know how it feels to be the way they are. You are so complete in the experiences in this plane that no longer is there anything that you will be drawn back here to experience, then you are off to new adventures on a greater plane"

The author's comments:

This is a peice i wrote one late night after thinking for a long time about how so much is wrong in this world and no one likes to adress it.

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