Flag Essay | Teen Ink

Flag Essay

November 6, 2015
By 6donovan GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
6donovan GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What does the American Flag mean to me? The flag means Freedom, Liberty, America, and God Bless America (FLAG).

Freedom  is more than saying what I want. I was born in a undoubtedly corrupt country-- a country that people would do anything to have what I have today. Guatemalan leaders have done more damage than good. I feel very lucky to have been adopted because since I was adopted Guatemala has taken out the rights  and opportunities for Guatemalan children to be adopted. Freedom is what my life stands for, because I wasn’t born with the rights I have today.

Liberty  when I hear that word, I immediately think of the Statue of Liberty and how wonderful it would be to go visit that prodigious monument one day. For decades people assumed the Statue of Liberty was just a super tall green statue of a lady, that was a huge gift from France. But I believe there is way more to that story than countless others would believe. All those stories you hear about immigrants coming to the U.S to find this new life are what I believe the Statue of Liberty represents. For me when I came to this country I was only six months old and I really don’t remember a lot of the journey to get here. Although over the years my mom has told me many stories about getting me and I’ve come to learn the difference between this “new life” I’ve been given. So I believe to me describes the feeling of new hope, a new life, and a new found freedom. And I believe that, that is one of the greatest things our country gives her people.

America what truly is America viewed as from our perspective and the world's perspective? America is a country where our freedom is our strongest value, and whether we believe in the same things or not, we come together. We come together to help each other when a major disaster or event occurs in any part of our country. When a fallen soldier is coming home from war, communities come together and show respect for the family and the brave soldier that died for our rights. Most importantly on holidays whether it’s packing the streets of NYC on New Year’s Eve or filling up a park on the Fourth of July we celebrate together the joy and pride we all have of being an American.  

God Bless America is a magnificent song speaking about and in honor those who’ve taken the ultimate sacrifice and served for our country. “Land that I love/stand beside her and guide her,” represents those who have served their country by standing up and doing what they do to protect our country. “Through the night with the light from above,” it represents “God Bless those who’ve served,” “God Bless this nation,” or even kind of off the line  “One Nation under God.”

Freedom, Liberty, America, and God Bless America, are the four things I believe the flag represent. For others that may be a very different belief, however, at the end of the day the flag is still flying high up in the sky and will continue to for ages to come.

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