Antisemitism Is | Teen Ink

Antisemitism Is

April 10, 2019
By GenerationLostInSpace GOLD, Abington, Pennsylvania
GenerationLostInSpace GOLD, Abington, Pennsylvania
12 articles 4 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“'The Answer to the Great Question... of Life, the and Everything... is... forty-two. I checked it very thoroughly,' said the computer, 'and that quite definitely is the answer. I think the problem, to be quite honest with you, is that you've never actually known what the question is.'” - Douglas Adams

it’s watching videos of your family getting murdered because “it’s educational” but no one understands, that man has my ears, that woman has my eyes, that man has my cheekbones, when will you understand that my family, my pain, are not just for your education

it’s having kids in class compare every minor inconvenience to Hitler or the Holocaust and laugh when you object (did your family laugh when mine was just a minor inconvenience in a final solution?)

it’s being forced to stare at pictures of bodies and bodies and bodies and it’s okay that you can’t even count how many there are because they weren’t considered people and because that was a long time ago (do you know how long 74 years is? i do. my grandparents do.)

it’s having swastikas drawn on your locker but it’s okay because “did you know that wasn’t originally a nazi thing?” (did you know how much of my family died because of a nazi thing?)

it’s being scared to set foot outside your house with your necklace or kippah

it’s being called “rich” but no one understands why that’s not a compliment to you

it’s hurting

it’s hurting

it’s hurting

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