Family | Teen Ink


December 22, 2020
By WillAidan BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
WillAidan BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

We’ve all been cooped up in the same house for years. / Sitting around doing nothing, and hating it. / We’d always play games together and on rare occasions, go out on walks. / Most of you are introverts, but I’m an extrovert. / We love to run and goof off, while Mom and Dad prefer to sit and read. / You’re there in the mornings, punching the wall out of frustration because my squeaky dresser woke you up. / You’re there in the mornings, shuffling down into the basement with a blanket wrapped around you in your pjs. / You’re there in the mornings reading and discussing scripture with Dad, while I listen and eat breakfast. / You come to visit the rest of us when you have breaks from your work as a nurse. / You’re there driving us through a snowstorm while Mom is pointing out all of the cars that slid off the road. / You’re there telling me to make a birthday or holiday call to the grandparents. / You’re there in Colorado, welcoming me with outstretched arms, excited to have me with you for just a few days. / You throw up in the dead of night because you couldn’t get into the bathroom since someone was showering, and I ask what happened before accidentally dozing off again. / You’re there playing games with me, laughing and raging when we lose. / You’re there bringing random girls home before actually deciding if you like them or not. / You’re there goofing off with me pretending to be mad and pushing stuff over in a false fit. / You’re upstairs in your office, working from home on your computer, and on calls almost all day. / My love for you is the empty cereal boxes still on the fridge closed up. / My love for you is sitting in the movie theater and making fun of the mediocre movies playing on screen. / My love for you is staying up late making stupid warped photos of ourselves in Snapchat. / I love you, even when we flip out at each other, I know we’ll make amends, we just need to cool down. / We all want to change the world and know it will happen. / I love you all, you are my family.

The author's comments:

A scrapbook poem about my various memories with my family. :)

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RainyDaze GOLD said...
on Apr. 26 2021 at 11:07 am
RainyDaze GOLD, Oswego, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
A recent change is better than no change at all

Incredible, truly awesome piece