What Being a Lady Means | Teen Ink

What Being a Lady Means

May 27, 2021
By Anonymous

I remember when i was little

My mom always told me

Sit straight, don't grouch 

Eat with your mouth closed, don't talk with your mouth full

Be feminine

Don't talk too much, people don't like that

Don't run, you'll get sweaty

Don't do this, don't do that

Every time i asked why

Same answer everyday

Ladies don't do that

Being a lady means pretending to be someone your not

Being a lady means lying

Being a lady means you'll always be stuck in this cloud of green trying to breath

While the only thing you can do is pretend

While the only thing you can do is put on an act

Just to achieve others perspective of what being a lady means

They say be your truest self to achieve happiness

Accept others differences and your own

Don't judge a book by its cover

If you judge….


You shall be judged 

But then again all we know is to known for our mistakes

Why is this a race

Why are we so caught up with our mistakes that we cant see the beauty in them 

To learn to be perfect

To forget that there is no such thing

To be in the end of our despair ready to die in the hands of life

In the hands of…

What being a lady means

It's simple really

There is no such thing as being a lady

Because if being a lady is being perfect while all we do is lie and put on an act

Just to be accepted by what our poor society’s picture of a lady is 

If this is all i'll be living for then let me stop all this mess and die for my lies 

But yall shall rot for the pain you've caused to an innocent girl full of life and a whole bunch of cries. 

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