I hope that we find each other again | Teen Ink

I hope that we find each other again

August 14, 2021
By Tria_Legna GOLD, Chantilly, Virginia
Tria_Legna GOLD, Chantilly, Virginia
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A lion-born boy called me a lady

cared more about me than of his own safety

He looked up to his older brother

too bad he lived by darker colors

I heard that you found better friends

ones where it isn't always life or death

I don’t know if there’s truth in this

But this is how I’ll imagine it

You’re still the toughest guy I know



I knew a boy who cut off his toungue

cause his mother married when she was young

and his father took off for a couple months

or for forever

I don't remember how the story goes

I heard it just so long ago

Is it wrong that I was glad for you

that you no longer dealt with his abuse

Know you're more than all your flaws,

your background and self-sabotage

I don't know if you remember me

but I hope that you've finally found peace

with the letters in your name



I was best friends with a girl caught in a web of lies

she had straight, black hair and almond eyes

She looked so pretty when she cried

Her parents pushed her to the limits

I don't know how she put up with it

When she got older she still cried in my lap

about how her mother didn’t love her back

I hope that all the plans you drew

I hope you made them all come true

But I wouldn't be surprised if I got a call

telling me that you're not around


Know that one thing will never change

I’ll love you in every single way

for the person that you are



This is where the story ends

with you and me, and all our friends

Our story’s much simpler than theirs

we had parents kind enough for our share

of bad events

We did damage to ourselves,

put our bodies through personal hell,

to know what pain feels like

from a first person point of view

We were broken like shards of glass

glued together, the reflection cracked

We were lost when we all first met

and there’s so many things left unsaid

so I hope that we find each other again

The author's comments:

Inspired by Olivia Rodrigo's "hope ur okay"

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This article has 1 comment.

LKQgirl GOLD said...
on Aug. 15 2021 at 12:50 pm
LKQgirl GOLD, Somonauk, Illinois
17 articles 17 photos 63 comments

Favorite Quote:

Incredible accomplishment. I hope this wins some kind of award:)