What I am, What you see | Teen Ink

What I am, What you see

February 6, 2023
By Krissy-Harman26 SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
Krissy-Harman26 SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I AM is not the same as I SEE


I AM insecure

I AM pain

I AM depressed

I AM screaming, tears rushing down my face

I AM everything you don’t look at, in me

What I am is NOT what you see


You SEE happy

You SEE confident

You SEE laughing, happy tears forming in my eyes

You SEE healed

You SEE nothing wrong

You see everything I’m NOT

I sometimes wonder

Maybe YOU and I are the same,

We put on a SHOW for each other

You and I are ACTING in a play,

What if…

You are a MIRROR to Me


I am a MIRROR to You

What WE see is not always what’s deep inside

What I am and what YOU see

What YOU are and what I see

May not be the same for each other

I may never know

The author's comments:

I wrote this after I had a mental breakdown. THis piece makes me really think about what you are may not be what I see. 

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