The Tapestry | Teen Ink

The Tapestry

May 2, 2024
By JessicaJail SILVER, Laffayette, Colorado
JessicaJail SILVER, Laffayette, Colorado
8 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
i piggybacked from a pizza dough freezer

My life’s an unfinished tapestry of a million strings.

Of dancing colors, glorious colors, tearful ones, and many more,

are all skillfully woven by mighty, loving hands.

Royal, majestic blues of night are for dear Anjou’s beauty.

  Its castle in Anjers of seventeen towers, is proud and mighty still.

It stands through day and night, enduring, for it may never fall.

 I pray the region of Anjou may forever stay,

the place entwined into my tapestry,

the place entwined in me.


I hope that deep green may gently capture

the humble simplicity of the Vau Robert.

A little town that I call home.

I love a farmhouse in this village 

Though it be faraway, I clutch it in my wretched soul, it stays there to this day.

A valiant red for patriotic America.

Which has given me a roof, a house,

a shelter under which to eat, to laugh.

It has given me another place to love.

All these I pray for.

All these I love.

Some I will miss.

However far or near,

however many faults,

there is a girl across the sea, 

who sheds silent tears and prays silent prayers for me.


She knows her tapestry,

is but a mortal joy.

The author's comments:

It's ok to feel torn up by life, what can happen will happen. All you can really control is yourself, so I think that even at our own age we should start thinking out of the little world of simple pains and desires. 

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