Thank You | Teen Ink

Thank You

October 30, 2012
By EmilyG17 SILVER, Topeka, Kansas
EmilyG17 SILVER, Topeka, Kansas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I would rather say "I did it" than "I gave up".

Thank you

Thank you,

For causing me to tear.

Thank you,

For making your love for me clear.

Thank you,

For leading me on.

Thank you,

For all those memories I wish were gone.

Thank you,

For moving on so fast.

Thank you,

For realizing this time was the last.

Thank you,

For screwing me over.

Thank you,

For helping me realize you weren’t even worth a four-leaf clover.

Thank you,

For the lessons learned.

Thank you,

Now I know to never return.

Thank you,

For making me smile, at least it lasted a little while.

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