The truth | Teen Ink

The truth

November 2, 2012
By Dreamssailingonroughseas BRONZE, Brusseles, Other
Dreamssailingonroughseas BRONZE, Brusseles, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
'The objective was not to stay alive but to stay human'
George Orwell

Lips like paper, eyes like glass
I’m not really there behind my mask
Ragged jaw and pointed lines
I’m not really there in my mind
Dry throat and drumming ear
There’s a fire inside, but chin up dear.
What lies behind these pointed bones
Shall forever remain unknown.

Full of darkness, smash a light but
Always afraid it’s too bright
Crimson fists and bleeding nose
You and me, who else could know,
Lashes flutter and nails bite
What you did gave me such a fright

We shall be entwined forever more
Unless I kick down the door
Swing of rose and crash of scent
Assault my nose in my descent
Towards the garden my feet flung
I ran and ran, until
I was no longer young.

In the madness of it all,
I lost my feet and let you fall
Into hell we descend
A bloody mess no one can mend

Up the stairs and to window sill
Upon the meadows I let my gaze fall
I took a step towards the hellish nightmare
And fell into a cage of despair
Please promise you’ll catch as I fall,
Please tell me it was worth it all.

I’m so tired of all these lies,
So tired that you never hear me cry
I love you dear, but in truth it’s you I fear.

The author's comments:
This piece is basically about love that doesn't conform to peoples ideals and what living in it feels like.

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