Secretive Killer | Teen Ink

Secretive Killer

June 5, 2013
By GuardianoftheWoods BRONZE, Ottawa, Other
GuardianoftheWoods BRONZE, Ottawa, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Anger isn't an emotion that we need to feel, it does not teach. We need to feel sorrow, it is our teacher.

Softest features amongst an inviting image
He greets with a hypnotic grin
When our burdens are read, prepare for a companion
For he listens to the screams reserved for an absent audience

Whispers reveal that he is an erratic existence
How dare they speak such deceit
Pay no attention, for they are stuck in the unknown
I know he, I know him him better than all

His chamber is so unwelcoming
Blades scattered across the surface
Stop the Violence traced in his own blood
Guns sketched directly towards our second dwelling

He was indeed, an erratic existence.
We were his prey, as he unleashed chunks of murderous material inside the school.

The author's comments:
I wrote this after reading the book, "Shooter"

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