A Type of Life | Teen Ink

A Type of Life

June 11, 2013
By Joseph Allen BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
Joseph Allen BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Were we created for this type of life?
To harness the beast for our own desires
And ride until she is deceased.
For what is a natural man
When no one knows the master plan.
Because holy wars and the unholy poor
Were not written in a glorified book
And shook the earth to its core.
Sins against our own mother
Killing thine own brother
Justified and crucified
And used to create an imaginary world
Where organic is mechanic
And everything causes panic.
Steel and iron clutch the earth
Ripping open she who birthed us
For a drop of water in an empty ocean bed
Not to fed a child unfed,
But to turn the cogs and cranks and rods
Of machines that replace human need
And deface compassion with manufactured greed.
We have come so far
And learned so little.
It’s too late to go back and uncripple
But it’s not to late to cease
The destruction, corruption and disease
That appease this type of life.

The author's comments:
After taking Environmental Science, I became much more conscious about the environment and that inspired me to write this piece.

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