Goodbye's That Were Left Unsaid | Teen Ink

Goodbye's That Were Left Unsaid

July 5, 2013
By JaycobA. GOLD, Lebanon OR., Oregon
JaycobA. GOLD, Lebanon OR., Oregon
18 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
No one alive can tell you that you are wrong for loving who you love. Regardless of if they are the same or a different gender. Love is love no matter what form it's in.

I feel the impact as my legs are hit out from under me.
I feel a rush of pain but the only thought in my mind is all the goodbye's I have yet to say.
I feel the pain start to giveaway to a numbness.
I feel a few tears slip out but not because I'm going to die.
I've always known that I was going to die someday.

I'm sad that I will never get to say goodbye to my friend of practically forever.

I can't tell her I've always loved her like a sister.
I never get to tell my bullies I forgive them and that there hate has made me stronger.
I never get to say a final I'm sorry to all the people I've wronged.
Most imporotantly my former friend who I just wanted back in my life and would do anything to get her back.
My greatest regret though is that I can't say a final I love you to my family.
I feel my mom holding onto me and telling me she loves me.
I want to tell her I know I was an evil child but I love you too.
I hear the sadness in my families voice's in my head as they tell me not to go.
I feel a darkness like a blanket settle over me.
I feel a few more tears slip out as I breath my last breath and fall into an eternal sleep.
With all my goodbye's still on my lips.

The author's comments:
I just got ot thinking about what I would want my final goodbye's to be and I wrote this.

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