The Rescuer of the Soul (Save Me Soon) | Teen Ink

The Rescuer of the Soul (Save Me Soon)

October 18, 2013
By 3DaysGrace BRONZE, Baytown, Texas
3DaysGrace BRONZE, Baytown, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tears in my eyes, I weep
Trying so hard to fall asleep
I look into my soul
Which has become hard as coal
After I left you behind
A choice left to constantly remind
Me of what I am now
Just a fragment of a broken vow

I was sworn to leave no one
Not one person, none
Now as l look within myself
All I see is an old empty shelf
Along with my memories of you
Thoughts that once turned my skin bright hues
But I look out to see
See this person that is me

Yet I don't remember these bags
Nor feeling like I was to gag
I can tell you what I feel
Now that I know this is for real
Because now I know
This feeling once unknown
As I try to find my voice
As I realize the consequence of my choice

I shout to the world a fact so true
The fact that I shall always love you
Although we are filled with guilt
As our lives all have built
You attempt to break it down
Leaving only the sound that drowns
Every little noise I've found
Of which I can't help but weep as they're unwound

Destroyed by the nature of a perfect divide
Where our minds horrors like to hide
I look away from my possible demise
Finding myself somewhere deep within your eyes
Save me please my knight
Save me by winning our fight
With your arm around me
Pulling me out of this sea

The sea of struggles and lives
Of which misery thrives
Help me see your face,
As I escape without much grace
And allow my eyes to see you as a warrior
For I know that you are a savior
A hero who has saved my soul,
A soul that is no longer in another's control

As you look at my eyes
Creating small butterflies
Butterflies that soar
In ways that allow me to adore
Adore how I'm no longer afraid
Adore how you leave the past unsaid
Adore how lovely my life is now
Without the worry I know

Now that I've no longer bound
Now that you've returned to me safe and sound
Bringing the sun after the rain
Healing my wounds after the pain
And now I send away
Looking for new ways
Ways to show compassion and love
In order to share that with you, my beloved

For with you lies my heart,
And soul and heart that combine into us becoming our own art,
Becoming our own true pairing,
A relationship that will bear no suffering
As my heart is yours,
Your soul is mine, of course
The longing inside we felt
And the tears that had been dealt

Yet inside there is gold,
That keeps its hue as it turns old
Allowing you and I to be,
Be much more than just you and me
But you can still take breaths away,
Making it easier for me to stay,
As you try to lean forward,
Into the future we see as reward

Ignoring the other possibilities
Along with some of the responsibilities,
I lean to you,
And say the words you wanted to hear too
You touch my face so carefully,
Caressing my cheeks thoughtfully
As I relax my way into your arms,
Protecting myself from things that harm

Taking your arms higher
I begin to hold tighter
Hoping this moment will never disintegrate
So that our love will never not be great
And you move stray hairs into place,
Moving them with your flawless grace,
And place your mouth onto mine,
Placing me onto cloud nine.

And now this must end,
Before we live through what we can't fend
Sending our souls to rest
For our meeting was just a kind of pest
The workings of my mind
Coming back to remind
Remind me of my departure from you
Just when I was to say 'I love you too'.

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