Cloudy Days | Teen Ink

Cloudy Days

March 18, 2014
By jjuneau2 BRONZE, Schaumburg, Illinois
jjuneau2 BRONZE, Schaumburg, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Today is
the beginning
of the end,

the day we
say goodbye,

when you learn
how to fly,

the day the
scars will mend.

Tomorrow brings
new battles
and sharper
swords will cut
than before.

The sun that
rises on Tomorrow
is already dead,

The stars that
lighten our path,
a distant memory,

The leaves crackle
underfoot and the
ground breaks open,

Tomorrow is
the day that
we fall again.

Fear not.

Tomorrow we
fall but clouds
will catch us,

The rain that
once bit will
clean our wounds,

The darkness
will shelter us
from the dying of
the Light,

The harsh winds
will carry us
on to the next

Cloudless days
have no
silver linings,

And every new
lawn is a
little bit greener,

Stars shine
in darkest nights,

And a heart
beats softly,

Today is
the beginning
of the end,
But every
is a new beginning.

The author's comments:
I was walking with my friend and I said, "Cloudless days have no silver linings." I really liked this idea and so I thought I would frame a poem around it. Feel free to quote me on that but give me the cred, cause plagiarism is for bucket-heads. It's such a general idea that I feel like it applies to most "themes" of poetry.

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