The Locket | Teen Ink

The Locket

September 22, 2014
By IamKarma BRONZE, Highland Park, Illinois
IamKarma BRONZE, Highland Park, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change you want to see in the world"- Ghandi

We sat, silent,except for the flow of tears coming from all of our eyes.

The bed where she once slept,

now the place a family cried.
I couldn’t believe, that a woman so strong,
after three years of fighting, was actually gone.
The golden locket lied still, and it felt time did as well.
That beautiful summer morning, our heaven became hell.

Then our little Guatemalan princess entered, still half asleep,
pain in her eyes, and a limp in her feet.
This little innocent girl, still not even seven.
Held her mommy’s motionless hand and Asked
“Why is everyone crying, my mommy is now happy in heaven.”  
Those words sweet, yet so sour, as we cried for an hour.
Then went to the garden to do one thing, plant a flower.
In memory of a woman who inspired so much power.
We placed the locket around her neck, and over her heart,
The locket that was “100 special”, she knew from the start
Then our little Rebecca started to tear, and her aunts told her never to fear,

Because whenever she is sad or misses her mother, to remember she still has two aunts, five sisters and three brothers that love her.

The author's comments:

This poem is dedicated to my aunt Lori, who pasted away last summer after a three year battle with ovarian cancer. 


It focuses on my cousin Rebecca, who aunt adopted from Guatemala, when she was 3.


Sense Lori was a single mother, custody of Rebecca was split between my mom and other aunt.


Although her death was a tragedy, it has brought our family even closer.   

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