Bigger than the Sky | Teen Ink

Bigger than the Sky

November 26, 2014
By Briahnna BRONZE, Summerville, South Carolina
Briahnna BRONZE, Summerville, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The worst part of acting isn't when I am, it's when I'm not." -Dakota Goyo

If those stars that float up there in an endless sea of blue

Could be rearranged to form the thoughts in my head,

I could write novels out of the constellations - the picturesque

Memories of us together would be played ito the night sky

For the whole world to see. The planets would be pushed and

Pulled into a timeline of the things I've always wanted to say to you

But I never had the courage to create that string of gas and rock,

IN order to show you just how important you are to me. It's as if the

Galaxies are spreading out into oblivion, giving me an endless

Canvas of sky to paint the pictures of lost hope for us

That I cannot gain back. And as they fade into the milky way,

I would call back to them, begging for them

To come flying back and form the shapes and art that

I created with my thoughts, just so I could show you

How I really feel.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece in hopes to judt give the reader some things to think about as they read, and continue to piece together the puzzling thoughts I layed out for them.

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