Behind The Mask | Teen Ink

Behind The Mask

December 3, 2014
By NayNay61598 BRONZE, Gulfport, Mississippi
NayNay61598 BRONZE, Gulfport, Mississippi
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I hide behind the mask day by day

I pretend never to care what others say

I have a story , a story ive never told

A short story that i made my heart and soul hold

I am about to tell the world about the real me

The me that i refused for years to let other people see

I am a girl with a helpful heart,

A girl i should have never let fall apart

Ive been through so many horrible things in life

I never could figure a good way to escape my pain

Holding it all in was bad, it started to make me go insane

I fell to my knees and ask god to help me through this obstacle course

I knew just then god was my escape , my powerful force

I began to pray and pray

I learned to do this everyday

I fought the devil and his way

I avoided doing bad this by just be strong and pray

I made new friends at school

I really didnt care that I was "lame" and not "cool"

These friends know the real me

They see the good side that my other friends didnt see

I dont have to wear this ugly mask anymore(makeup)

Im leaving my mask at the devils door

I want to tell the world to be who god made you to be

To touch your OWN inner mystery

cause guess what world? this is the real me

The author's comments:

This piece was written because i made a huge change in life. I dont pretend to be someone who i am not anymore, i dont care what others say.

I wanted to tell the world it feels good to be the real me.

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