Late At Night | Teen Ink

Late At Night

April 25, 2015
By 24601favoritethings BRONZE, Tafton, Pennsylvania
24601favoritethings BRONZE, Tafton, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Late at night I ponder life

all my dreams and cares and strifes

What shall tomorrow bring?

Will I laugh or cry or sing?

evrything melts away in my mind

My life is a series of unsung tomorrows

and forgotten yesterdays

my titles from daytime leave me

I'm no longer a daughter, student,

sister, friend, artist, just a girl

I'm just me. No need to impress anyone,

no need to puff out my chest or be perfect.

I am free to cry, dream, fantasize

From trying to be a woman,

I become a child again, blissfully careless

while the angels above protect me

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