The Child | Teen Ink

The Child

October 10, 2015
By bookstolooks SILVER, Nairobi, Other
bookstolooks SILVER, Nairobi, Other
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
I may be a dreamer but I'm not the only one- John Lennon

The child waited

As her family wept

The priest prayed by her bed

And her mother held her hand

The candle was still burning on the nightstand

Her father wiped his face with a handkerchief

The room was so bright

She couldn't understand why

Her parents tried to console her brother

"Her suffering has ended"

"She's in a better place now"

She saw a dark figure approach her

He gently held her shoulder

"It's time to leave, child"

"We must go now"

He was covered in a black robe

And no one seemed to notice him

She took his bony hand

And together they left

"I'm sorry"

He whispered

As she turned and looked into his eyes

Into the never ending darkness

Of death

The author's comments:

This poem was inspired by The Book Thief, an amazing and imaginative book about death and Nazi Germany.

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