Nothing Lasts Forever | Teen Ink

Nothing Lasts Forever

November 9, 2015
By TaylorJimison BRONZE, Huntington, West Virginia
TaylorJimison BRONZE, Huntington, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Common sense is uncommon." Benjamin Franklin

When You leave,

it will annihilate me.

I will not be able to think,

speak, or sleep.


I will forever be scattered,

into an infinite number

of unsolvable puzzle pieces,

like the shards of a damaged mirror.


You do not intend on

breaking your promises,

but you will,

it is inevitable.


All relationships eventually fade,

like the sun's light to end the day.

Love is an impossible maze,

never ending, with no exit.


When you leave,

it will annihilate me.

I will sit in solitude,

isolated from reality.


An eternity will pass,

oblivion will occur.

The world will continue,

until one day


I realize,

I learned from you.

The author's comments:

By reading this poem, I hope readers will think about the meaning of forever and if anything really lasts that long.

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