His Next | Teen Ink

His Next

April 4, 2018
By HRF414 BRONZE, Mill Hall, Pennsylvania
HRF414 BRONZE, Mill Hall, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All it takes is a beautiful fake smile to hide an injured soul and they will never notice how broken you really are." -Robin Williams

To the girl who has him next,
His favorite color is red.
To the girl who has him next,
If you go out to eat the only real thing he will order is chicken nuggets or tenders.
To the girl who has him next,
He does not eat tomatoes (or really any sauce) so when you get pizza, it’s a white sauce instead.
To the girl who has him next,
He likes his Mountain Dew, Regular and Voltage.
To the girl who has him next,
He likes strawberry flavored things, unless you’re allergic. 
To the girl who has him next,
He loves riding his dirt bike
To the girl who has him next,
Saturday nights are for supercross and cards in the summer
To the girl who has him next,
His favorite football team is Pitt Steelers
To the girl who has him next,
You better love Penn State.
To the girl who has him next,
His family is incredible, especially his dog.
To the girl who has him next,
His little brother is funny, outgoing, and energetic
To the girl who has him next,
When you’re upset he’s not sure how to help fully. Don’t get mad at him, he’s honestly trying.
To the girl who has him next,
He hates to dance but loves going to dances with you.
To the girl who has him next,
He’s really good on guitar. I loved listening to him play.
To the girl who has him next,
Listen to and watch him. Watch the way his face lights up like a child in a candy store when he talks about a passion of his.
To the girl who has him next,
His hoodies are comfier than your own.
To the girl who has him next,
Treasure your memories, the good and the bad.
To the girl who has him next,
I tell you this because he deserves to be happy even if it’s not with me.

The author's comments:

I felt like I needed to write this to be able to move on. After 3 years and him being my first love, it was difficult. 

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