Benefits of attending Summer Camp | Teen Ink

Benefits of attending Summer Camp

March 4, 2019
By hdales25 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
hdales25 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled Benefits of attending Summer Camp, written by Christina Besecker, talks about her benefits of her ten-year experience attending summer camp. Her writing let me with the feeling optimistic because she stated multiple positive outcomes for attending summer camp for ten years. I believe and agree that summer camps are a great learning opportunity and be able to teach valuable life lessons to kids. Christina states, "Throughout ten summers, I've learned so many new things and explored unique activities." (page 20). For my perspective, I can't relate with Besecker, and I am quite curious. How did she have time? Does summer camp cost too much? Will sports interfere with this learning opportunity? Those are all the questions I want to know. On the other hand, her writing was well built and put together. Plus, I do agree that summer camp can make a difference to kids like Christina. "It changed me for the better, and taught me skills to make a positive difference in the world," quoted by Besecker (page 20). 

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