The Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

December 4, 2015
By jkreyes BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
jkreyes BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
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“The Fault in Our Stars” is a novel about romance and sacrificing what you love the most in order to be with the person who makes you happiest. It all begins with Hazel, a 16-year-old girl who is diagnosed with lung cancer and has to deal with having to go to doctors' appointments. Her mom makes her go to Support Group because she thinks that Hazel is depressed and needs to go out and make friends. Everything changes when Hazel shows up to Support Group for her friend Isaac, who also has cancer, and she sees a really hot boy named Augustus Waters who can't stop looking at her. Right away she notices that he’s flirting with her by inviting her to a movie after they had met in Support Group. It seemed odd for Hazel because guys usually never asked her out especially so soon.
  Hazel and Augustus get to know each other more and more as the days pass by, and that’s when Hazel tells Augustus about her life story and wanting to meet the author of her favorite book, Mr. Peter Van Houten. Augustus saves up the wish of his prosthetic leg to allow Hazel to have the opportunity to meet Peter Van Houten, and they fly to Amsterdam. I highly recommend for teens to read this because it is full of heartache and passion all throughout. The author John Green did an incredible job coming up with the characters and making them vivid and realistic. This is a novel that will have you thinking a lot about life and situations in general. “The Fault in Our Stars” was awesome because it showed detail about what it's like to fall madly in love with a person, and what it takes to sacrifice yourself to the most valuable things in your life. Hazel, for example, decided that she wanted to spend her life content without having to worry about her lung cancer, or how much time left she had to live. If you are a hopeless romantic, this book will have you in tears. It is beautiful, emotional, and realistic at once .Meeting that one person, and living life to the fullest for as long as you can without having to care about other people’s opinion is what matters. This novel is a must-read that will have you at the edge of your seat within the first page.


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