Kidnapping | Teen Ink


December 10, 2017
By Lexcur BRONZE, Bessemer, Alabama
Lexcur BRONZE, Bessemer, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Until that day, fear had been an idea, a concept. Now it was real: a feeling I would carry inside me for the rest of my life. The day began innocently enought, with my usual early morning coffee. I got ready, wearing the same clothes as usual, the same makeup as usual, and doing my hair as usual. There was only one thing I had planned to do that wasn't the usual for me. I had decided to walk to school. I mean it seemed alright. It wasn't like I had never done it before. I had even gotten up a bit earlier this morning so I would have plenty of time for this easy fifteen minute walk. It was simple and safe. After all, who would try anything at 7:15 in the morning.

But that was before I had met him. Actually, when I had first met him, I thought he was nice and quite funny. He seemed like a good guy. When he asked me if I wanted to go to that cute little coffee shop on the corner, I said yes. After grabbing coffee and talking for a bit, he asked me if I wanted to go see a movie. Once again I said yes. To be honest, I think most people would have. He was nice, funny and easy to talk to. Plus, we had a lot in common. We liked the same movies, same TV shows, same food, same music, and even the same books. But trust me when I say that the guy I met then, the guy I liked, was not him. Not truly.

He arrived at my house at exactly 7:00. That just happened to make me like him more because I hated people being late almost as much as I hated being late. But I had never told him that. He was a gentleman. He handed me the prettiest bouquet of flowers I had ever seen. I noticed that it had a range of flowers and colors with red roses on the outside. It was absolutely beautiful. Then, he opened the door for me.

Five minutes passed without a sound. Then he broke the silence.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to see this movie." I laughed a bit. Only because I had said the same exact thing to my mom this morning. He talked for about ten more minutes before playing my favorite song.
"Don't you love this song? I thought you told me about it earlier at the coffee shop."

" I do love this song, but I've never actually told anyone about it."

" Oh lucky guess then," that all he said before laughing it off. Maybe it was a lucky guess, but it seemed a little too lucky. Earlier in the afternoon we'd talked about music, but the music we'd talked about didn't correlate with this song. I didn't think too much of it, though, it was prbably just a lucky guess after all. The little voice in my head thought different, it was telling me that somethinf was off. I ignored it, I just wanted to have a good time with this genuinely nice guy.

Twenty more minutes passed. Maybe I should've listened to that voice when it first started. Around thirty-five minutes had passed and we had already passed the movie theater I thought we were going to.

" I thought we were going to see a movie. Where are we?"

"Shh you'll see," he said, a little grin on his face but his eyes didn't change. They stayed glued on the road and showed no hint of emotion.

The voice in my head was going crazy now. It was telling me I was stupid. I was so damn stupid for getting in the car with a guy I had just met today. I barely knew him. Was he really as nice as he seemed? Or was he really some psychopath? Was he faking everything?

Once again I ignored it. I was being ridiculous. He was probably just taking me to a nicer, bigger, movie theater. Maybe he was even going to take to a nice restaurant and buy me dinner. He had been great and I didn't neet to repay him by being overly paranoid.

I had a hard time believing everything I was telling my self when he pulled off to the side of the road. I looked around but the only thing I saw was an old road and trees. We were in the middle of nowhere. There were no cars driving by, no houses or stores anywhere around. Not even one of those crappy gas staions. Nothing.

That's when the fear truly started to set in. What was he planning to do? Was the little voice in my heads right? Was he going to kill me? Was he going to kidnap me? Or was he going to rape me?

My mind was almost racing as fast as my heart was, but I tried my best to relax.

"So, what are we doing here?" I was trying my best to keep my voice clear and steady, to not let the fear show through. He leaned over and put his arm over my shoulders. He seemed so relaxed. Maybe I was just being paranoid.

"Whatever you want to do," he said smiling at me. My heart as pounding.

"Well I didn't have anything planned. I have no idea," I said, trying my best to fake a smile.

"You know what? I have somehting in mind," he pulled me closer to him. My heart was pounding so hard and fast that I could barely hear myself think.

"What is it?"

The next moment happened to fast, but when I look back on it, it seemed like I was watching it in slow motion. He wrapped his arm tightly around my waist, pulled a rag out of nowhere and covering my nose and mouth with it. As much as I struggled to get away, I couldn't esape his grip and I couldn't even get an inch away from the chloroform soaked rag. I struggled and struggled, kicking, punching.and screaming until my struggle was no longer against him. I was trying my best to stay concious. As much as I tried, I could feel myself drifting. Everytime I tried to crawl back to consciousness, I would just drift farther away, and farther until everything was black.

The author's comments:

I enjoy thriller/mystery books so I decided to write something that I would enjoy. I hope people will enjoy this as much as I did. 

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